Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

For The Love Of God, Remove Sbmm

Sbmm or mmr is without a doubt the worst update bhvr has ever made. I would take literally any other update they have ever done over this. It makes literally every single game you play significantly less fun on both sides.

It encourages games to be infinitely sweatier than they used to be, and that's saying something knowing how sweaty people can be in this game. I played around 15 killer games today and in EVERY SINGLE ONE there was a dead hard user. You cannot stray from the metta what so ever or else you will get absolutely stomped on. And they were also usually using new parts, insta-heal med kits, and tons of other trash that goes against the basic fundamentals of the game.

Every single lobby I go in, I have to go mega try hard to just keep all of the gens from popping in three minutes. Back then, you only occasionally got these games, but now it feels like they are just every single game. There is no longer any casual play what so ever, so you have significantly less fun in general. And you don't even get rewarded for high mmr. you just get less enjoyable games.

The funniest thing is, this entire problem could be fixed if they just make a competitive/ casual game mode. It would satisfy both the sweaty people, and the people who don't wanna get curb stomped every single game. Or you could just remove this disaster of an update entirely! Until then, I'm gonna take a break on this game. And knowing this games developers, it will be a LOOONG time before anything is fixed regaurding this issue.

On the off-chance that a developer is reading this, and its not being completely ignored, please know that the overwhelming majority of player hate the addition of sbmm, and you would probably see positive reaults of it were removed entirely. Thanks for your time and attention.


  • R2k
    R2k Member Posts: 1,069

    What's wrong with willing to escape players? U want to win, so do they Reverting it into beating babies mode isn't healthy at all.

  • LegionMainsRCute
    LegionMainsRCute Member Posts: 25

    Look I love my occasional sweaty games but not everyone plays for that and SBMM is just one big middle finger to anyone who wants to play casually and for fun. I've stopped playing since the new matchmakings release and I don't intend to play until it's either removed or improved because I just can't have fun with new matchmaking. If I play against worse killers I get camped and tunnelled for looping and if I play against good killers I have no chance at winning because my team mates don't do anything. I just want to have some fun games where I'm not going against sweaty Spirits and Nurses because that's all I get now.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,204

    SBMM is by far the best update BHVR have ever done to the game. Everything people are whining about now, is exactly what my experience was BEFORE SBMM, which has now resolved those issues.

    My matches are no longer always a sweat fest, I can actually stand a chance at playing other killers now, and my survivor experience has been... at the very least no different to before.

  • R2k
    R2k Member Posts: 1,069

    U know what i don't like about your attitude. I never saw someone on this forum admits he did bad. It's always - *Oh my, my teammates are bad and I'm godlike survivor. I don't want to play good cause it's hard (which is weird, if u are so good u should be able to escape anyway) and helping my teammates is not about me*.

    IsoSTARDUST Member Posts: 78

    I don't really understand why SBMM would encourage sweatier gameplay. If anything, I've found the grade system to be a refreshing change of pace since, yes, you can de-pip, but you can't de-rank. Yeah, it's bragging rights if you hit grade Iri 1, but it's less of a sweatfest and accomplishment to do so. If you don't want to play heavier matches, you don't have to win so hard, and you can grade up to get the bloodpoint reward at the end of the month, which is the only real reason to play harder if you're not seeking a challenge. I don't exactly know what my MMR is, but I've had matches that were a breeze, and others where I've gotten destroyed. I think, at the end of the day, yeah, we play DbD because we enjoy it and want to get some form of gratification from doing so, but, lest we forget: It's still just a game. If you're finding your teammates aren't carrying their weight, play with friends. If you don't have friends, DbD is a super easy game to network and make friends off of, speaking from personal experience.

    Try it.

  • LegionMainsRCute
    LegionMainsRCute Member Posts: 25

    I'm not saying I'm a godlike survivor. I play good when I play against good killers however I don't want a sweat fest 24/7 because it gets boring. Playing on the same map, with the same perks, the same items against the same 2 killers is honestly boring. I have had a good few games with SBMM however I have to play with Dead Hard, Iron Will, DS and Adrenaline with 3 friends in a call to me. This is the issue with SBMM it removes casual play and that's why I play, for fun games with fun builds, before this update I used meta perks rarely because I liked to use more fun, less used builds.

    My issues with SBMM is that casual solo cue is either impossible to play or simply just not fun because you either get a bad killer who's new with sweaty team mates or you get a good killer who should be fun to go against but you end up with team mates who don't know how to play. It's not fun for the new killers, it's not fun for the good killers, it's fun for nobody unless you take this game way to seriously which I and the majority of players playing don't.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Sbmm could potentially be the death of casual dbd

  • MikeyBoi
    MikeyBoi Member Posts: 541

    SBMM is very boring at rank 1 high level survivor especially if you decide to play solo queue. All you really go against is cringy alchemist ring crow blight mains with a comp build or omega blink nurses with tinkerer ruin, pop and corrupt/undying.. it’s just not fun…