random noed thought

everyone's always heard like 'wowe noed should be like, not' or 'otz said only one noed hit per unique hook' or whatever, who cares, i came up with something that'd probably solve the issue of the bone zone
when all generators are completed (re: not exit gates powered, this is an endgame perk, let's make it official):
hex: noed comes into play, taking over every single dull totem remaining on the map (3-5 if need rank scale)
for each hex: noed totem existing, gain +1% movement speed and a 'stack'
when a healthy survivor is hit with a basic attack, they are 1-shot and a hex: noed totem is extinguished
there's a bit of here and there with the design like perhaps it doesn't need the 'stealth' component of requiring a hit to show everyone they're exposed or if a used totem goes back to dull or is destroyed shortly afterwards (with the usual thunder-y sound to let people know the power is decreasing), or perhaps for some a failsafe where even if no dull totem exists, a mini haunted ground effect happens once and that's it (expiring on a successful insta?)
the important bits are the following
every totem in the map matters: anti-synergy with other hexes in the mix, cleansing a few totems here and there beforehand takes a chunk out of killer's +speed and potential instadowns
less all or nothing, noed can't just be ganked right after it comes into play by disastrous luck despite no bones being done
probably people feel less egh about noed in general: it -is- a valid side objective, every cleanse matters, and its 1-shot power is not something that lasts forever given each true instadown/cleanse eats away at it
either way, just a thought