DC with purpose

Hi everyone,
Heard about the new dc-punishment.
I think that's a great idea, but sometimes a dc is with good purpose. For example: leaving game due to a hacker or absolutely inhuman behavior.
Would be nice to have an opportunity beside "leave match" to choose "leave match with purpose".
Maybe afterwards a selection shows up, where you could select something like:
- Bug abuse
- -> Note or selection box
- Cheater
- -> player selection and description
- Unsportsmanlike behavior
- -> player selection and description
Have a great day being killed or kill ;)
A nice idea but it can be abused by 4 survivor friends who can just report for no reason and leave a match and not get punished.
But I think a leave should be a longer cooldown, if you get dc the game should analyze the game you got it on and then decide if you dc on purpose or its an actual dc (like if you finished all of the gens and you dced at the gate at full health it should be a no punish)
or as the killer if you just dropped the last guy and about to hook and you get a dc so you shouldn't get a punish for it)
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It wont work as u suggest. People will abuse it no matter what to escape punishment.
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I don't want to abuse the punishment at all. I just suggest an additional feedback method.
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I'm not talking about u, I'm about those people who will ragequit and then choose something like *he is cheating* and it doesn't matter if it's true or not. They quit and will cry about no punishment because they 100% tell u truth even if they don't.
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Oh, so we need more dcs so the survivors abuse that machanic? There is a thing called playing the game more until you escape or get sacrificed then you can fill out that report for endgame...
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No, we not need more dcs, we need less. Because of that, devs should know, why someone disconnects.
Additional with global cheats, else nobody have a chance to shows innocence.
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There is a new dc punishment?
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not yet