RIP Slinger

It was nice whilst it lasted Mr. YeeHaw.
Who’s next?
I'm personally very happy they're finally nerfing killers who have very little to no counter play in chase.
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I really hope it doesn't feel terrible.
I really hope it doesn't feel terrible.
I really hope it doesn't feel terrible.
I'll miss him so much if he'll feel ######### to play.
Please don't kill Nemesis next, he's been my slinger n.2 for some time. At least I still have him.
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Him being able to quickscope was one of the only good things he had going for him. Unless you’re going against survivors who never look behind them, how are you supposed to land a shot now when you have to aim down the barrel before you’re able to fire? 🤦🏻♂️
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Obviously I’ll wait for the PTB, but it sounds horrendous and I don’t really see the point of playing him anymore. Which is a shame as he’s one of the few killers I have genuine fun playing. If you have to walk around aiming your gun, it sounds like it’s going to be incredibly easy to make him miss. Sounds so engaging. 🥴
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Problem is, he literally has nothing else going for him. He's so slow, and doesn't have the range of huntress/trickster, that his 1v1 was what gave him any sort of chance, and even then, he would still fall short against coordinated teams because he simply cant get around the map quick enough to pressure gens. I honestly think he needs to be 115% with these changes.
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instant ads is one of the reasons what made me main him and they're getting rid of it, his insane chase power is the only thing he has and they nerfed it for no reason at all
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The TR nerf hurts him the most.. People will just run away so early that you will need to waste 1 minute just to start the chase.
The devs are fully detached and listening to some questionable people.
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He now has to aim the same way huntress does. This actually gives survivors a warning before he shoots to allow some kind of counter play. He'll play more like her now.
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I know he isn't particularly well loved by the community, but holy ######### they just castrated him.
Before he was strong in a chase but had terrible map pressure. Now he's average-to-bad in a chase, has terrible map pressure, no longer has a quiet approach. Remind me what the appeal to playing him is meant to be now? Seriously if you're gonna give him the 32m TR and cripple his chasing ability you should at least give him 115 movespeed, or remove his reload and replace it with a cooldown that doesn't reduce your speed to nothing.
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I mean, good slingers will stil hit their shots just fine with a bit more limitations. Survivors won't be able to dodge them no better then now. I am not concerned about his viability all that much. The nerfs will hurt but he wasn't really able to beat great SWFs before so yeah.
I just feel like this change will make him feel jank so much that many will just drop him since it isn't fun to play him anymore.
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I completely agree. I would be fine with his terror radius being made larger etc as that doesn’t bother me. But you can no longer quick scope? So, what’s the point of choosing him over Huntress and her refrigerator hit boxes? I swear these Devs don’t play their own game and it really shows. Deathslinger’s hit boxes are already a joke. I’ve had plenty of matches where my harpoon goes through the survivor and somehow doesn’t connect. So now that’ll happen on top of it being a lot harder to shoot people in the first place? Can’t wait.
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Only he can't kill with the spear like she can and the hitbox is a bloody pin prick compared to a hatchet. Want to make a slinger miss? wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle.
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which makes him a worse huntress in almost every way
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Huntress throws refrigerators though. Deathslinger doesn’t have a hit box like her. He requires more precision. He also can’t down people over pallets or across the map like she can. I don’t really see this change making him like her. He’ll just be a worse version of her.
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I really hope they address how horrible ADS feels to use, otherwise the speed buff is worthless. He already has addons that increase it and they are some of his worst addons.
They did the same thing to PH making it less easy to bait but didn't change how clunky it still is to use. Although the nerfs were way more smooth than these ones to Slinger.
As a Huntress main I see no reason to play Slinger tbh. Having to reel, go through a longer weapon cooldown and having to reload everytime is just nuts, the only thing that compensated was the quickscope mechanic.
Will have to play PTB to see how it goes, but honestly it feels pretty much like he got the Billy treatment. Maybe they did that so people play more Trickster? Just like they made Billy players go to Blight?
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"We heard your complaints about Trickster being the weakest ranged killer and decided to change that"
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He was already worse than huntress
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I don’t think it even comes down to ‘good’ or ‘bad’ Slingers to be fair. It’ll be completely dependent on the team your against. If people know to look behind them, it’ll make it a lot harder to land a shot, now that it’s blatantly obvious when you’re attempting to shoot. This is what made his ability to quick scope so powerful in the 1VS1.
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He already was the downgraded huntress. And I agree they need to make huntress hitboxes not semi trucks but that doesn't mean his nerf wasn't justified at all.
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I’ve always preferred him over Huntress because of his ability to quick scope. Now that they’re removing that, I don’t really see the point of using him over her anymore.
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Ofc it'll make it harder but slinger will still has the control over landing that shot as long as he's got enough FOV.
That's not going away, it's just even harder then before. But with enough precision more then possible. The fun aspect is imo really all this is about, it might be fine so that the 32m is the only big nerf or it might be terrible and he'll be so frustrating to play that nobody will bother.
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His instant ADS did need changing, while it was pretty important for his gameplay it did feel rather unfun when he could basically just spam m2 until he decided to m1 you or shoot you. However the changes took it wayyyyyy too far. The community had plenty of great ideas on how to make deathslinger feel more fair to fight while still keeping up all his strengths, they threw that out the window and have nerfed him into the dirt. If theres any slinger mains out there who are suffering right now, i'll buy you a pint at the dead dawg saloon for your troubles.
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Honestly, I’m leaning towards the latter right now. If it’s going to be as bad as I think it is, I’m probably done with him. Which will annoy me as he’s my favourite killer.
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Well it's just my opinion that no killer should be able to use a power that is undodgeable. I like being able to use my skill and loop as survivor and killers who completley deny that gameplay aren't fun for me so I'm satisfied
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Might I suggest playing Nemesis, I've been maining slinger hard since his release and found nemesis really fun and actually quite deep.
I'm sure you'll love him if you spend some time on him. He's really similiar to slinger in quite a few aspects.
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he is 3x more fun than her tho
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But they could have changed him in a way that didn’t feel like they completely gutted him. This doesn’t feel like a simple tweak to create ‘fair’ gameplay, it feels like a straight up nerf. The developers have already shown time and again that they don’t really know how to balance killers properly.
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I personally HATE playing as deathslinger. I've always been mediocre at shooter games so I'm absolutely horrifically bad at him.
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I’ll have to give him a go as I haven’t properly tried him out. Recently I’ve been loving Trickster, Pinhead, Freddy and Demogorgon. But I guess it’s time to invest in Nemesis. 😂
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Well how would you suggest giving deathslinger reliable counter play in chase without removing quick scoping? I can't really think of anything considering that was my main issue with him.
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The devs really love double nerfing killers with no compensation. TR increase is fine and the longer cd after ads would be fine by itself. But the quick scope was what set Deathslinger apart and now he'll br worse than Trickster.
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But since they’ve removed his ability to quick scope, why have they also increased his terror radius? Why is Huntress, the killer that can down people across the map, able to keep her lullaby but Slinger, the killer that is slow as hell and relied on stealth to be able to effectively use his power, now has a large terror radius? The whole change is a mess.
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Pyramid Head (especially now) is basically a stronger version of Deathslinger when it comes to zoning survivors if that's your playstyle. He has a cooldown, but you can go for corner shots or bait them to make survivors loose distance.
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Man stop crying! It's a healthy change and probably won't change to much. More skill needed but he gets buffs aswell. Healthy change.
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I just enjoyed Slinger because I love FPS and he made me feel like I wasn’t playing DBD anymore, which I loved. I do find Pyramid Head fun, but I don’t enjoy him as much as Slinger. Slinger was the first killer I truly felt was ‘made for me’ 🥲
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‘Buffs’ 💀
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I just said this in another thread but huntress has very unreliable long range. Most of the time you can't get a hatchet hit from across the map with her. And I never cared about his terror radius my problem is and always was the quick scoping and not being able to predict or dodge it.
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But the point still stands that you CAN get a down from across the map. I’ve seen it done and I’ve also done it myself. It doesn’t matter how reliable it is. It’s still possible. With Slinger it’s never possible as his gun only shoots so far.
The developers have said in the past that the reason Slinger has a smaller terror radius is because of the fact survivors would know when to run away and make it hard for him to land a shot. The developers said this. They’re also the ones who have now gave him an increased terror radius. They’re useless and too influenced by the people who spam them daily on Twitter telling them to nerf things.
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I said it years ago, god forbid survivors are expected to make a read. This game is giving the survivor more control over the chase against Slinger.
I wish they at least had increased the speed at which he reels or something, just to make him waste less time.
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It’s because the people complaining keep BHVR happy by buying all of their survivor cosmetics. I have probably seen 2 Slingers since SBMM has been enabled. Now I’ll be lucky to see him once a week.
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The issue there was more how survivors run away against slinger: Strifing instead of sidestepping and dodging. Also, looking back. The thing they need to change is the mechanical whirring to make that clearer, so survivors know when to wiggle, not strife.
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His 1v1 probably still the same, only edge cases will feel different. And we'll yeah, survivors aren't wiggling around all the time trying to dodge a potential quick scope coming any moment. But that was stupid to begin with. Was like a reverse speed boost for that killer.
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There is a game called call of duty. You can pick a sniper and quick scope 360 jump crouch there.
DbD is not a cringe cod quick scope game.
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While I don't have strong feeling about the changes. This line, good slingers will stil hit their shots, is the worst thing I hear when a killer gets nerf. aka, a good X will be fine.
The statement often ignores the "good X players" that raise concerns and is used to justify any change made regardless of how crippling it is.
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This is such a disingenuous statement.
Without the ability to quick-scope, the 1v1 changes inevitably, that's a non-debatable, objective fact. To what it changes is a different discussion, but it definitely does not remain the same, and insisting on anything else is merely an attempt at gaslighting the discussion.
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I wouldn’t even bother trying to have a discussion with them. They’re just the stereotypical internet troll that tries to create arguments with everybody. It’s better to leave them under the bridge where they belong.
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It's more for the sake of others. I know that discussing with someone like them is pointless, but it's still important to call out gaslighting and disingenuous posts to combat their effects.
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What I mean is that the change is stupid and doesn't solve the issue they think they're fixing.
By no means am I justifying this horrible change, the opposite, I'm pointing out how irrelevant it is and just will make him feel jank.
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This genuinely annoys me at this point. Can we please stop babying survivors for a change?
I hadn't even seen the thing about his TR when I wrote this btw....
Like holy #########, survivors:
-Can't be expected to make a read, the killer must telegraph everything they're gonna do because the killer is supposed to be a human controlled NPC at this point.
-Survivors don't have to use their eyes, or pay attention to where the killer is because they killed his stealth. God forbid they have to look at the game instead of the youtube video on their other monitor, or at chat if they're a streamer.
-Survivors have the objective that consists of "HOLD M1 ON A THING FOR A BIT" fact most of the ######### survivors do in gameplay is "HOLD M1 ON A NON RESISTING ENTITY"...
BHVR, just get bots at this point...