Deathslinger's nerf is atrocity

I understand that deathslinger wasn't amazing to verse, but ability to shoot almost instantly and low tr are his only strengths. More importantly, quickscoping, flicks, and importance of fast reaction speed is what creates an appeal for this particular killer, that's why me and many other people choose to play him instead of huntress or any other ranged killer. It also adds skill ceiling to the character and differentiates good players from bad ones.
Now his nerfs are just ridiculous. Not only you take away his only strengths, but don't give him anything in return. Any semi-decent slinger knows that you only hinder yourself by ADSing. Having lullaby on huntress or trickster is reasonable because they have unlimited range on their abilities, slinger doesn't. That's why you need low tr, to prevent survivors from holding W as soon as they hear your 32 meters tr.
I hope devs will rethink this changes. Only change slinger really needs is a little cooldown on M2 so he can't spam it like a maniac without loosing distance. This change would encourage people to commit to their shots, or lose distance, upping the skill ceiling. But for the love of god, don't take away quickscoping.
He is actually just a weaker version of huntress now. Wind up time CD time and a large TR with absolutely no buffs to composite. Tell me the balance lead isn't a survivor main, tell me that with a serious face. Nefing a mid tier killer what the ######### BHVR.
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Why would they be a survivor main? Trapper and Plague get a buff, and keys were nerfed into the ground. How does one conclude from this update that the balance lead is a survivor main?
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Because you are looking at this in a vacuum. Other than blatantly abused and outright bs things what nerfs have survivors had in the last few years compared to killers?
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No quick scoping and a delay to m1 after aiming is going to encourage you to commit to your shot and not spam aim like a maniac :)
Post edited by Ramxenoc445 on1 -
Don't worry, if this update goes live, I'll dump him straight into trash. Objectively no reason to play him over huntress anymore. Was fun though.
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That was your first mistake. Never betray Huntress Mama. Huntress Mama will always be there for you in trying times. Survivor want to loop and teabag? HATCHET. Survivor not good but abusing pallets and windows because they saw it in an Ayrun video? HATCHET when they just vault without worry. Huntress is best killer girl and nobody will ever take her space as the best ranged killer. Did I mention she's actually balanced too? So nerfs like these for her will never come about.
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In the last few years there haven't been too many significant changes. I remember the healing nerf, which was very good, but that's like 3 years ago now?
Survivors have received nerfs in the past, not only to completely broken stuff. Toolboxes were nerfed, though the strong ones were arguably pretty broken, to be fair. The weaker ones not so much.
DS received a second nerf. Maps have also received updates that almost always favored killer, although maps are still one of the biggest problems in this game, a lot of them still being survivor sided with the current gen times.
Killers have also recieved buffs over the past. And yes, a few also recieved some nerfs, but never huge nerfs. If you want to argue that something like DS was broken, then you can very easily make that arugment towards Spirit and even Deathslinger as well, as their counterplay was extremely small. Or in Spirit's case just completely luck based.
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very minor buffs and stuff that should've been in the game for years.. and then you have the most mediocre changes to the killer perks and then ridiculous changes to survivor perks. That combined with two massive nerfs to two killers. It's like giving killer players a penny and survivor players a dollar
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I'm ok with them giving him the same treatment as PH, but PH could compensate, because he's 115%. So I think they should make Slinger 115% as well.
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PH also has second power, can hit multiple survivors, doesn't need to reload, can hit through walls and yeah is 115%.
Not really same treatment deserved imo.
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I mean, if sneaking up and coinflip hits are the only strength of a killer, and the coinflip hits arent fun to verse, there is a problem.
There is no excuse to keeping any coinflip mechanics in the game, even if coinflipping is one of the only strengths a killer has.
The more logical conclusion is, instead of defending coinflip mechanics, promoting other mechanics that would supplement his abilities more. Like a basekit slowdown on gens untill healed fully.
Quickscoping as is in the game now, is a coinflip. After the change, it would be a scope with a flick. As long as Slinger can flick his shot, he'd be fine shooting wise.
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What about buffing his rage? To maybe 24m? And improving his reeling speed as well would be nice too. Or they could add a lullaby instead of the 32m TR where he whistles a song.
PH might have a 2ndary power, but half of the perks restrict him in what he can do.
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What are you talking about? Quickscoping just means you can shoot immediately, whether you hit someone or not depends totally on your skill, not coinflips. Flicking WHILE adsing is impossible because of much slower sensitivity in that mode.
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Thing is that M&A would become "problem" for them again, because you could do shots without warning.
Well, but it is still secondary powe and it restricts perks on both sides.