Unhooking ourselves

when we’re the last player left and haven’t been hooked and finally get hooked, we should at least have the chance to get off the hook, instead of dying right away! It’s only fair, since all the other players, get the chance to do so. 


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383
    blonde_b said:
    when we’re the last player left and haven’t been hooked and finally get hooked, we should at least have the chance to get off the hook, instead of dying right away! It’s only fair, since all the other players, get the chance to do so. 
    This was said times and times again. No
  • blonde_b
    blonde_b Member Posts: 15
    It shouldn’t be a, “no”, if it’s a fair thing to do! 
  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383
    Why so? For a chance for 1500 bp? And wasting time if you are a douche?
  • blonde_b
    blonde_b Member Posts: 15
    How is it wasting time? I’ve been one of the first that was hooked and because of other non-team players, was left there, having to try and get myself off the hook and have done so, successfully! If I use the same sense, being the last survivor that gets hooked ... why shouldn’t I have the chance, to get myself off of the hook? Mind you, there is little chance that I’d get off the hook, but if I have a perk or extra luck on my side, there is still a better chance that I possibly, could! How is that being a douche? ( why resort to name calling? That’s quite childish!) It’s def not about the extra bp. I’d just like the option, to at least TRY and unhook myself! If I’ve not been hooked the whole game and have made it to being the last surv that gets hooked, I deserve the same chance to escape, as the others before me!! 
  • BigKrazyKag
    BigKrazyKag Member Posts: 41

    Well it's not likely that a killer would leave your side anyways if this were done. If they know you can get off the hook then they're going to wait it out until you can't or do and then they'll just tunnel you. You'd have to be up against a really dumb killer who does leave you in order for this to really pay off. But you could get some struggle points I suppose ......

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    A) you could've just stealth whole game (im not saying you did just a possibility)
    B) Each phase takes 60 seconds i believe to go to the next. In 1st stage you have an OPTION to unhook yourself. This speeds up the process. SO there would be people that would just not take the option to unhook themselfes and waste killer's time.
    C) We could make that if you are the last survivor standing (and wasn't hooked) you gain some extra BP.

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @blonde_b said:
    when we’re the last player left and haven’t been hooked and finally get hooked, we should at least have the chance to get off the hook, instead of dying right away! It’s only fair, since all the other players, get the chance to do so. 

    nah because then what the killer will always be right their just in case.

  • blonde_b
    blonde_b Member Posts: 15
    I can see how that is probably the most logical outcome, that the killer would just stand there. Nah, I don’t go stealth. I’m a decent lvl 2 surv. I’m always the one getting people off the hooks and healing them. Otherwise, I’m on a gen or totem! lol I die more from helping others, than if I were to just watch out for myself. I guess I do get frustrated, going the whole game without getting hooked, to getting the second to last player off the hook, just to end up getting hooked, for unhooking the hookees!! LOL