hex totem change ideas V.2

I believe the hex system within the game does need a "rework" of sorts. i edited this to give more detail and insight to each of these changes, as well as being able to understand each change better.
1) hex tokens
Hexes will no longer activate within a single totem and the 5 totems located on the map will act like a token to activate hexes instead. Blessed totems will count towards hexes as well.
If the hex requires the use of a totem, such as haunted grounds, it will still manifest within a totem and only require a single token.
This change would give more value to totem finding perks, give more risk/reward into cleansing or not cleansing totems, allow hexes to be used more often, and give a new factor in survivors using boons or not.
Hexes will no longer appear lit for survivors and will know that they are cursed whenever the hex first activates. Killers will still see the aura and see them lit.
This is a simple change that likely won't have a large effect on the game, but will give more uncertainty of the use hexes. It will also keep hexes more hidden as they will not be lit for survivors.
This change is just to give the possibility of changing some hexes into normal perks to get more use of them.
One example of a hex i think could work as a normal perk is crowd control.
if you have any thoughts, feedback, or if i might have overlooked something, i would love to hear it.