Adjusting Limited Items

DerpPotatoes Member Posts: 18
edited September 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Currently there are only 3 limited items in game:

  • Flash Grenade
  • Vaccine
  • Lament Configuration

The problem with limited items is, you need to have no items to equip them. I suggest reworking limited items so that they can be carried with your item that you are holding.

For instance, you're carrying a med-kit, and you want to use a vaccine. You'd have to drop your med-kit to use it.

Instead, you'd pick up the vaccine in addition to your med-kit. The vaccine would override your med-kit. You can not use your med-kit until you get rid of the vaccine (either by using or dropping it). Similar with the flashbang, you'd have to use/drop your flashbang before being able to use your flashlight.

Your survivor would be shown carrying both items in both hands. The regular item in the right hand, and the limited item in the left hand. Each hand, its own designated item.

A survivor can only carry 1 regular item and 1 limited item at a time. This way, you can't hold both a flash grenade and Lament Configuration.

This would be a good quality of life change for survivors.


  • BastardKing
    BastardKing Member Posts: 784

    While it would be nice, they probably can't code that. Their code is made of Playdoh pasta.

  • Nayru
    Nayru Member Posts: 567

    that's not how code works, bad or not, it'd be quite easy to hold the other item in reserve until the 'temp' one is used up or dropped

    but all the more reason to dual wield items since you have two hands, never use both for any action that doesn't have your item disappear into t ether anyway and get rid of the damn item shuffle at chests/vaccines (particularly the former with appraisal)

    are you a bad enough dude to go into a match with 40k bp worth of item+addon and then get found immediately and smacked with franklin's and pray there's no plunderer loot gremlins around

  • BastardKing
    BastardKing Member Posts: 784
    edited September 2021

    They made a change that caused going into Viktor to make the gen completion sound. No change that came out that patch was related to gen noises. Or Viktor. I know in general that is not how coding works, but BHVR has special abilities to cause bugs. Call them Weevil Underwood.

  • Nayru
    Nayru Member Posts: 567

    sure but this is really common with decent size companies where a lot of people are messing with the code at any given point and not every little change is logged, if had access to their repository you probably would see some pretty dodgy change related to either the killer power or sound queues in general, many a bug has been caused in the cursed name of refactoring