Take away matchmaking lock

lovely_kijara Member Posts: 19
edited September 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Will somebody please tell me why that stupid matchmaking temp lock is back, if camping and slugging isn't an actual offense other than annoying then why punish players for leaving matches that don't want to deal with ppl that play like that. We lose the offerings and add ons anyway so why are punished twice by having a temporary lock, it's been several matches where the killer just downs everyone and didn't pick anyone up until the entity took us one by one from hooks, the matchmaking system is even worse now. If I get 5 bad toxic matches in a row and decide to just leave it adds up and can easily be locked out for a good 20 minutes, that's not fair. You shouldn't punish survivors for wanting to leave trash matches where we're camped or slugged and tunneled the entirety of the match. I know DBD is toxic on both ends as I killer main I know that, but it is harder for survivors that want a good match because other than dropping pallets, gen rushing and teabagging but what real advantage do they have as far as toxic to where it cause a killer to disconnect.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • lovely_kijara
    lovely_kijara Member Posts: 19

    Nobody wants to be camped the whole match it's not about being salty, if I'm playing with friends or trying to get stuff off on my rift done, it's kinda hard to do that when you only have killers that slug you the whole game or down everyone and instead of hooking them waiting for the entity take them. Your probably a killer that does it which is why your saying I'm salty but I'm a killer main, I don't tunnel I don't camp I don't slug I actually give ppl a legit game so it's not hard to just idk be a respectable game player and not a dickhead. You can't avoid sluggers or campers honestly. So if im following your logic then I shouldn't play any game that's multiplayer, don't act like you've never DC'd from an annoying match. I bet if the DEVS redisabled it you wouldn't have that same energy and you would quit anytime you wanted too, your lying if you say you haven't or wouldn't.

  • lovely_kijara
    lovely_kijara Member Posts: 19

    Everything you have talked about in your discussions is DCs. In fact you can't even talk about it because the only thing you talk about is Survivors DCing on you, if everyone is always doing it to you, maybe your the problem not the survivors playing you. Your the dickhead in this instance maybe if you didn't have to secure your kills by using toxic tactics like camping and slugging people wouldn't dc on you.. maybe you should just play with friends until your a killer actually worth playing against.

  • lovely_kijara
    lovely_kijara Member Posts: 19

    I like how everyone saying stop DC and you won't get locked out like you've never in your life have ever left a game. I bet right now there is a broken controller or TV or PC screen that you broke because you rage the f out on games like rainbow, fortnight, COD, 2K will have y'all ready to punch holes in the wall so let's be real for a minute.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    Stop DCing and you won't get locked.

  • BasementDweller
    BasementDweller Member Posts: 465

    You do know you don't have to be toxic or a "dickhead" for someone to dc, right?

  • SaltyNooty
    SaltyNooty Member Posts: 276

    Speaking from experience, i know how you feel. Every Survivor knows the pain of getting Camped, slugged and tunneled. We all do. Unfortunately, that's how things run. Most i can say is get better at playing stealthy and at loops and eventually, the Killer will break chase or wont find you. Hopefully.

    The Devs have stated time and time again that Camping, Slugging and tunneling are apart of the game so survivors have ways around it like Keys, Flashlights and Toolboxes. So, if you want to get back at them, read below.

    Everyone seems to hate keys so if you really want to make a killer mad, try to escape VIA Key; watch how many Killers lobby dodge you because you have one and if you want to make their day worse? Blind them when they're breaking pallets and picking up Survivors at any chance you get. Wouldn't fully recommend cause if you don't know how to loop properly or play evasive, you're Definitely going to get camped and tunneled.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    DC is a garbage move, doesn't matter if I'm playing killer or survivor. Anyone that's willing to play a game should know how to gracefully take a loss.

    I don't get upset if survivors do it while playing killer, I take it as a compliment seeing as how they're forfeiting all their additional chances. All your doing in that scenario is hurting your teammates.

    As survivor, I just rather not have teammates that are gonna have a tantrum and quit.

    Lastly camping is something I don't do but I won't deny that I utilize slugging; it's a great slowdown since I'm usually without gen perks.

  • DarkPit
    DarkPit Member Posts: 87

    Stop DCing and you won't get locked.

  • Waterfall
    Waterfall Member Posts: 202

    Stop DCing and you won’t get locked.

  • R2k
    R2k Member Posts: 1,069

    If camping and slugging is a disaster then gen rush is same. I rly wish devs force all survivor mains to play killer. At least u will understand what u talk about.

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    they say that because they can't fix it. They tried to do something about it and couldn't manage to so it's perfectly fine is all they've got as an excuse

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    both sides buckaroo and I think the ban time lock is bs. I started killer main and went surv main. now I play a few matches all of which are low rent play from killers and im just bored of it. 1st person camped to death + 3 people on a gen simulator if no BT. everyone is bored but the killer is jerking off about it.

    these days you go in and play a fair killer match with junk perks and no addons and they don't know what to do because of the toxic meta being default.

    it's okay we got some perks to run to fix that now with boon totem to suck the killer off the hook. They won't do anything because the killer isn't looking for more people and they aren't injured.

    nothing they do makes sense with the way the game is most commonly played.

  • lovely_kijara
    lovely_kijara Member Posts: 19

    I'm a killer main, I only play survivors with my friends. I'm a killer main bc this happens more often in my survivor matches it's rare when I play with randos bc they aren't goal oriented they only care about themselves most of the time it's rare when I get into random matches with people that actually play as a team

  • lovely_kijara
    lovely_kijara Member Posts: 19

    Did you read what was said before you said that, the topic had consisted of you know exactly why it's said the way it is bc I'm not talking about lagging or system issues, I'm talking about what happens in game when people DC for the reasons stated...

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 943
    edited September 2021

    I know this may be hard for you but don't dc if things don't go your way

  • lovely_kijara
    lovely_kijara Member Posts: 19

    I wasn't talking about me specifically, it's for the people that like to us stop dc'ing as a excuse for why matchban is necessary. How many yt vids, ttv streams and other vids are out there of people just raging out, like I said stop acting like you've never left a game because of things like that, the games were examples of it. Have you ever considered that maybe you shouldn't make people stay in a match when the game is obviously already over because the killers "tactics". Idc about the bp bc they are so easily earned and don't really mean much to me. I'm not super competitive either but if I just want to sit down and have a good time and just enjoy the game can't really do that if the matches are consistently bad

  • lovely_kijara
    lovely_kijara Member Posts: 19

    I know this may be hard for you but don't be apart of the problem and maybe that won't be answer from you. Someone else who acts like they have NEVER left a game bc of some BS 🙄

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 943

    i act like that just i don't dc and what do you mean when you say don't be apart of the problem?

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 943

    you do know that you ruin the game for other people when you dc right?

  • lovely_kijara
    lovely_kijara Member Posts: 19

    Pretty much what it means, you said I'm salty you sound a killer main that gets DC'd on often maybe your the issue. Camping to me isn't a tactic, I understand tunneling will happen especially if survivors use the same characters with same outfits but if the only way you can secure your kills is by slugging and camping maybe you shouldnt play as killer or find friends to run practice matches until your good enough to actually use thre advantages given to you through perks.

  • lovely_kijara
    lovely_kijara Member Posts: 19

    And does that matter when your teammates aren't playing as a team anyway. If I'm DC'ing it's because of stuff like that, depending on how you look at it I'm not selfish enough to have my teammates go through the trouble of getting me when I know they probably won't be able anyway. Besides you can see everyones outline you can pretty much tell when your f*ked.

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 943

    But the thing is i am not a killer main i play more survivor Camping do suck yes tunneling is needed sometimes

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 943
    edited September 2021

    then play with your friends well i got to go to bed so have a good night bye now

  • lovely_kijara
    lovely_kijara Member Posts: 19
    edited September 2021

    You must not have a life outside the game... Some people work, have kids, just you know have other stuff to do. If you waited on your friends to play games how many games would you actually play within the time frame your expecting too. You can't always just wait on your friends, gaming is a down time things unless your competitive not everyone's schedule match up..

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146

    If you're getting camped the best thing you can do is keep the killer there with you as long as possible, not dc.

    Solo queue obviously has no tell until someone else gets hit but in a swf they can communicate and just churn out gens. This is the best way to hurt the killer, not dc'ing as they want survivors to swarm the hook to get more downs.

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 943

    so just i have friends i must be not have a life outside the game well that's just dumb and i play solo too

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,940

    There are times when a DC is necessary for example, an IRL situation or if you've got a game breaking bug - this is why we have the Leave Match button and why the DC penalty is kept short initially.

    Leaving a match because you are being camped or slugged IS NOT A VALID REASON FOR LEAVING THE GAME hence we have the DC penalty in place to discourage this. When you enter a match, you agree to play that match and not ruin it for the other players in the game. Which is what DC'ing does - ruin the match. It's irrespective of whether you like camping/tunelling/slugging - those things are currently part of the game and you accept that when you ready up in the lobby.