
I'm going to be honest and probably going to get a lot of hate for this but I HATE the deathslinger changes. I get he was unfun to deal with but now survivors have more fun going against him while anyone who enjoyed slinger will probably stop playing him.
His chase just makes almost no sense. Now that he's reactable, shots are ten times harder to hit and his anti loop is next to null leaving him almost only usable in open areas. Huntress does not suffer from survivors being able to juke because she has a wide hitbox allowing more room for error, his is very thin. On top of that if a huntress hatchet collides with a survivor it is a guaranteed hit with next to no cooldown while slingers is not. He also has limited range and one shot vs huntresses unlimited range and 5. Not to mention he is - to my knowledge - the only 110 killer that has a 32 meter terror radius. There just isn't a point in playing him.
The lack of quickscoping ruins the main fun of playing him. I primarily enjoyed going for quick shots between objects or windows because they felt cool to accomplish. Now every shot feels slow and with the lack of range you cannot pull of anything that feels cool. My logic is survivors probably went against him only once in 7 games, that feels generous but nonetheless, if an average game lasts 10 minutes and an intermission between each one is 5 minutes. That means that you would only have to go against him once every hour and 30 minutes (Math: 6 games x 10 minutes + 6 intermissions x 5 minutes). In comparison someone who mains slinger would be playing him almost every match. It just doesn't feel fair to take the fun away from the person who plays him consistently in order to restore the fun for the people who play against him periodically. That's just my take feel free to dispute it.
This is more of a minor complaint. The removal of quickscopes also takes away a lot of skill involved in playing him which is kind of upsetting because I enjoy learning and improving with killers.
That's all I have to say but I just wanted to get that out there feel free to state your opinions.
I have some example clips of the points I'm talking about when it comes to his lack of anti loop vs what he used to be able to do but I can't upload video files.
I agree, he is just so clunky now and I don't see how you are supposed to play him. He is now just a worse version of huntress and trickster smh.
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Instead of making survivors learn the skills needed to play against a killer, they take away the abilities of the killer, and calling it "Increasing the skill required to play as and play against", even though the killer cannot possibly play better because they have been shackled, and the survivors were just given an easy mode against them.
Our here Harrison Bergeroning killers.
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You can't have fun playing against a killer who doesn't get played. You also can't be "bored" by killer that doesn't get played. Asking the large majority of the community and the would rather rip out and overnerf a killer then fix them. By the way when are they fixing Billy or Legion oh ya no plans. (Though I would love to eat my words if the dev patches are a sign of the team ramping up there updates). The fact that slinger is goign to be awful for at least one year is frustrating.
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