Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Dumbest game

You've literally have made this game almost unplayable on either side. You have made the game based on people all playing solo, which survivors almost never do. There is almost always at least 2 people on comms. You've buffed the killers so much to help them combat this that playing alone is horrible. You either get an amazing level 1 killer or a killer that can't do anything so he camps and tunnels because he is forced to based on the survivors in comms running a train on him. This leads me to playing killer, which I am not red on and unless you are perfect; playing killer is a terrible experience. By the time you get one or two down 2 or 3 gens are already done because, again, almost always are games where survivors are communicating with each other. You almost FORCE the killers to camp and tunnel to get any points from a game. The only solution is to make this a single player game or to disable all mics while in game; the game would be more competitive and more fun but instead you decide to just keep buffing killers by giving making them inherently faster, giving them speed boosts, and perks that can see to the ends of the earth all while nerfing survivors by making them inherently slower, removing pallets, removing windows, making maps smaller, and nerfing their perks.

Also, a side bs note is making a game with no point. The objective is to escape? Not according to the ranking system. You can escape and still not get a pip or even de-pip due to someone leaving. The objective of this game is to be a team player; heal people, get people off hooks, and maybe do some gens. If you do all that you are guaranteed to get a pip. But, if you run the killer all over the map, the teams does all the gens, you get camped and die while everyone else gets lose a pip. Even if you did manage to get out you most likely still lose a pip. If you run Kindred and see where everyone is and knock out all the gens while your team unhooks, then escape; you lose a pip because you didn't do enough OTHER stuff. The point and rank system on this game make zero sense because the objectives of the 2 do not line up.

This is the most ass backwards game I've ever played and how it's designed literally makes zero sense.


  • BastardKing
    BastardKing Member Posts: 784

    Actually, survivor perks have been getting buffed with almost no nerfs, and killer perks have been a mixed bag of buffs and nerfs. Additionally, no side, killer or survivor, has had their speed touched since Legion became a 115%. But yeah, they are messing up game design hard. I used to play mostly killer, but now I am playing mostly survivor because the killer experience sucks so bad. But I am a solo Q, and still one of the people who can just run train on a killer. Until someone kills themselves on first hook, and our winning game turns into a 3v1 4k.

  • Viamont
    Viamont Member Posts: 304

    In all honestly i would argue its the complete oposite, survivors continiously get catered to their needs because "its unfun" for killers to be able to do something, more so that certain perks composition that are a complete pain in the rear are considered "good", but hell save the killers to come up with counters to that and try to level up the battle field because they are "toxic unfun tunnelers". Sadly the game shows it has a terrible time creating a proper balance. I have been playing the game not that long, but as a new killer i already loath some games with a passion, more so thanks to the terrible matching system that one moment throws me on a "all" new players and we can have fun, the next one im on a clear 4 friends team that train wreck me so hard its painfull to se, betwen unstopable loops, teabaging like theres no tomorrow, body blocking and so on...quite honestly theres a lot of things going on in the game, but fun...isnt one of them