How would you avoid getting camped??

I'm not talking about actions like "not being toxic, not looping an infinite" etc.
What would you add to the game to prevent these situations??
I would do it so if the killer was on a certain range of the hooked survivor for a certain time, the killer will get blinded and unable to hear anything until 5 seconds after the survivor got unhooked
very bad idea...survivors would purpousely loop in close proximity to the hook to trigger the efect and gain the blinding efect for free, making it so killers just get completly screwed over in plenty of ways, lose a hook while at the same time being denied chassing the new survivor, but also will screw them over if theres a generator in close proxmity because people will most likely abuse said efect to be able to work on said generator for a good few extra seconds
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Most of the time, its survivors fault.
They get camped because killer is feeling pressured, or because the hooked one was very toxic during the chase.
Its very rare for a killer to camp if gens are not flying and survivors are not toxic.
A basic killer midset is as follows: 1 gen = 1 kill / 2 health states.
So if a survivor makes the killer lose a gen, he will probably camp until second life stage, and if another gen is finished while the survivor is hooked, he will do his best to guarantee that kill.
Keep that in mind while playing and you will probably see less camping, but if you wanna troll the other survivors, just gen rush so they all get camped while you escape an "easy match"...