
DBD is so toxic, killers are tryhard Tunnelers & face campers, many survivors don't help they don't even do gens, they just run around in the map hiding in lockers, I'm so done with this game but I also wish that it will be shut down.


    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Is any of that stuff particularly "toxic"?

  • SabunoHakia
    SabunoHakia Member Posts: 465
    edited September 2021

    Wonderful constructive feedback, so amazing that this is epic it actually belongs in discussions, but you know if you had friends whom play you play together and become better. Once your in the higher ranks past Grade Bronze I you will notice that face camping usually happens if you P-off the killer by Tbagging or flashing them so much. Only so much someone will put up with. Now tunneling is a bit more still common but the good killers usually won't need that as tunneling too much loses gens which makes it easier for the other three to escape, now obviously this won't always happen and this won't always be a desired result and enjoyable for the survivor's side however, considering tryhard killers well no crap.

    Most camping past rank 15 killers doesn't exist because they will never actually progress to a point if they simply don't get better.

    Play killer you will understand that it's not being a tryhard. It's literally just playing killer period, tryhard if the role was easier sure but unless you are on someone like leatherface you have no choice but to go 150% in with addons and sacrifices and swapping perks for specific needs and reasons bases on the survivor's items etc. No one single game isn't something that anyone can casually play except for the concept of time, trial and error and the simple fact that if you don't attempt to try then any game you play you will fail.

    If you want to get some tips I will gladly help and give you counters to killers and tricks to kill survivor's based off your preference, I was silver I or Gold IV on survivor' before reset can't recall but I am Gold III on killer and will be soon a red when I get on eventually.

  • DbD_Enjoyer
    DbD_Enjoyer Member Posts: 459

    Anything that can make someone else angry in a videogame can be labbed as "Toxic".

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,923
  • SabunoHakia
    SabunoHakia Member Posts: 465

    No it doesn't but the grades are a reflection on the ability of the killer not everyone killer wise will actually see gold or red ranks that's why their are so few. I use it as a guage other than that you are correct.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,923

    Getting to red is even easier than before (and it was super easy before also). You can't even derank now.

    Being red only means you play somewhat often not that you are good. Can't believe people still think that grades reflect skill.

  • SabunoHakia
    SabunoHakia Member Posts: 465
    edited September 2021

    I don't deny that it is harder to derank as a survivor but still easy to derank as a killer you need 1 kill minimum and to drag out the game as long as possible for the most points to just maintain the rank 2 kills minimum to actually rank up a pip but yeah I don't deny that the current system is designed towards the "newer player" and casual gamers whom don't play often, so I get it but I don't think you can't rule out that the effort and time it actually takes to get to the grades still will still have some factors in their ability to do the role that they play.

    Not entirely saying it reflects skill but does reflect that you have a decent understanding of the game how to play and possiblity of being good at the game, I personally hate getting random SWF potatoes and it's starting to get to me as I love a challenge.

  • Starr43
    Starr43 Member Posts: 873

    Last night I played some Killer… literally made a point not to tunnel and even eased off a proxy camp with 2 survivors dying side by side which essentially guaranteed a “loss” if I was actually going for a 4k. This happened more than once last night where I went to the exit gate rave party to observe the savage butt dancing from survivors I could have killed ages ago🤣 Honestly though in-game antics don’t matter much and really only tarnish a little respect towards the other party.

    I’ve been called racial slurs, homophobic slurs, told to end my life or rot in hell for being a scumbag… Oh btw these sorts of things have come from either random teammates I’m surviving with or even from people that got a 4 man escape when I was Killer. The point is, it’s impossible win with some people in dbd… ever… no matter what..

    Transferrence is something I’m sure is prevalent in Dbd.. a survivor gets outplayed and dies 10 games in a row but then their friends join in and they manage to walk all over the 11th killer that wasn’t too bad but they didn’t tunnel someone out if the gens were going fast, purposefully avoiding an easy target and chasing the full health survivor that unhooked instead etc…

    Then gets bm’d and possibly harassed in post game chat.. some completely ignore both the in and out of match interactions but many Killers will slap on stronger perks or addons and try to WR speedrun the next 4 survivors as Nurse or tunnel and slug at 5 gens lol

    To be fair everyone has different styles or are at different stages of strategy so often there isn’t always even a conscious motive behind the opposing sides play style.. you just happen to disagree with it.


    All strategies, styles, methods are perfectly acceptable, some people hard camp the hook because they’re still learning, sometimes proxy camping is literally the right play to make, and tunnelling someone straight off the hook can be necessary if the killer wants any chance to regain control

    Two sides of the same coin…

    We try to Survive..

    We try to Kill.

  • beardedlucifer
    beardedlucifer Member Posts: 15

    I'm in red ranks tier 1 and I see the same if the killer is too toxic for no reason and I see survivors running around doing nothing I kill my self on hook I won't try to survive a lost game, and I won't help survivors who don't do their objectives to win not even by 1 gen.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,825

    I see none of that as “toxic”.

  • beardedlucifer
    beardedlucifer Member Posts: 15

    People can be awful no surprise here, I have my messages set to friends only to avoid toxicity, I'm sorry receive messages like that, I only play killer for challenges or trophies or Michael Myers for fun and always always give the last survivor hatch, especially David king he can have anything, I do hate even if I play for fun when I'm killer survivors are op and when I'm survivor they do nothing but hide in corners or bring the killer to me when I'm the only one doing gens

  • Starr43
    Starr43 Member Posts: 873

    I’m also red rank (even though I’m a proud potato grey rank at heart;p lol)

    Last night I was playing with a group and back to back games we had killers hitting us on the hook unprovoked. I died after being one hooked but it was enough to help my mates all escape through the exit… I just started cracking up because when I was taking shots from Nemesis I couldn’t help but think of Happy Gilmore… specifically the batting cage scene so I started quoting it.

    Nemi hits me and I just go.. “364 more days ‘til next years hockey tryouts.. I gotta toughen up! Oh god that hurt a little but I’m alright!”


    I know it can be easier said than done but try not to take it to heart and make the most of situations like that if you can… honestly the Happy Gilmore thing popping in my head when Nemesis was throwing heaters at me was far more satisfying than me simply escaping lol.

    If I’m playing solo then moment like that obviously aren’t the same but you have to “read the room” as they say while the match is going on. If a survivor is running the killer like a legend then reward them by slamming out gens… if nobody is doing gens then just find something else fun like loot a Beamer if you’re lucky and go for saves, attempt pallet saves, play protect the president and pick a random survivor and dedicate yourself to taking constant protection hits and find hatch for them to show them where it is and if you succeed in outliving the other two randoms make a point of seeking the killer for a kamikaze chase and give El Presidente a chance to survive and maybe get hatch… just ignore head shakes and hook spanks from the killer. I usually wiggle back at the killer for the lulz.. have a little moment with each other lol.

  • Killer killed you and now you want the game to be shut down. Okay.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599
    edited October 2021

    I mean, you're wrong. You can depip, but you can't de-grade. I had some tough matches the other day as Iri 1 (decent but probably not highest MMR, it was Wraith/Trapper/Ghost Face night), with 2 hooks being the best result for an hour - no deranking. Same happened with my Iri 2 matches - especially with a couple hackers showing up - but no deranking.

  • SabunoHakia
    SabunoHakia Member Posts: 465

    I will test that if you can't derank but you can de pip then I have lost all motivation for this game. Because I have been steadily growing and improving my skills as pig where even red ranks are having huge issues against me now with out the new addons and no ability to derank is simply stupid, why not just remove the ranks / grades all together then and have the SKILL based MMR invisible then and call it a week. But yeah I wouldn't be shocked I am wrong I do realize now I was a gold 0 pips and I should have welp. Yep stupid.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    I'm a Pig main myself up in Iri - and despite what may have been inferred from my first response, please don't give up. The grade system is just for the monthly bloodpoints at this juncture, but you can still use the (poorly implemented) SBMM and MMR systems to hone your craft. If anything, at least hold out for the new add-ons - I had a lot of fun in the ptb, and I'm hoping other Pig players and new Piggies will too.

  • SabunoHakia
    SabunoHakia Member Posts: 465

    I have absolutely no interest in quitting the Pig after seeing the new addons as this will give me a huge advantage against the players whom I know are legitimate high end MMR players as I can easily see and tell the difference when I am having to actually work for the hit, down, hook, kill. So no worries there. But just a huge downer lol. Have to never tell my family now nor they may quit. Lol