The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Skill Based Matchmaking

I know I'm not the only one with complaints about the skill based matchmaking system, so I'm going to get to the point. I'm tired of whatever my MMR is being boosted super high every time I barely escape as survivor or 1 or 2k as killer to the point where my next 10 games proceed to be way above my skill level in practice, and I don't find it fun anymore, honestly. I know it's kind of ironic to make a forum account just to post about something like this but I barely have fun in my games anymore because my MMR gets 10 times the amount gained on a win than lost on a loss. Either make it so the confidence value can increase since mine clearly doesn't, or make a casual queue that will actually be fun to play. I don't want to have to bring friends in order to not die, because I don't play the game to stomp in a 4 man swf. It's an awful feeling how every game save for one in every ten or eleven I'm way, way, way outmatched. I don't want to have to play the game 24/7 to get good enough to have fun in the lobbies the game throws my way, that's awful. Please.


  • Starr43
    Starr43 Member Posts: 873

    Do you play more Killer or Survivor?

    What is your favourite thing to do as survivor? (I.e., doing gens, getting chased, making a build work, setting up sabo or head on plays etc)

    What is the most satisfying or enjoyable thing for you while playing killer?

    (4k, getting value from perk builds, trying addon combos, mori’s, memeing, winning a mindgame, curving as Billy? etc)

  • jakethekid4
    jakethekid4 Member Posts: 4

    I play about 50/50 so I know both sides of the coin.

    For both, what's fun for me is getting those moments where I make a really good play and see it play off.

    My biggest issue with SBMM is about how any small win boosts my MMR and then for the next 10 games I have to go through hell or straight up disconnect in order to play at my level again. It's not fun getting rolled almost every single game, which is my complaint. My guess is that something got screwed up with my personal MMR confidence factor but again it's all behind the scenes so who knows. Just have to deal with hell every game.

  • BeanLag
    BeanLag Member Posts: 94

    Yeah MMR is weird, i have 400 hours, and with my best killers (nurse and blight) i get games against people with 2000 hours average, well, if i win 2 games in a row... Yesterday i played a game against a 8500 hours surv and the other ones 5000. If i lose 2 of those games in a row, i get matches against people with 100 hours. Its just nonsense, like i think there are very low different lvls of mmr, something like New players, bad players, good players and god players. It doesnt have a sense of being at your level, winning or losing some very few games in a row switches from 8500 hours surv to 100 hour surv and vice versa