Remind me Again why Killers can’t have 5 perks?

I know this isn’t a new topic but I haven’t been playing DbD for the last 3 chapters and I forgot what the arguments against it were. Collectively survivors get 16 perks to mix n match but the Killer is locked in with just 4?
so what was it again? Was it because all the slow down perks the Killer could use? Was it because low level survivors are already struggling with a 4 perk Killer? Or something else that has just slipped my mind?
Genuine question, I’m not hinting that Killers deserve 5 perks, I just remember similar topics and people had serious concerns but I can’t for the life of remember why Killers shouldn’t have 5 perks.
Because Nurse is a dbd killer Queen and King in one face. Anything that buffs others makes her broken.
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Because it seems like a standard BHVR wants to keep for both sides. Additionally you have to remember that all killers are different in power. Giving a fifth perk slot will make the S tier killers even more insane which is a bit unbalanced. You don't run into this issue with survivors because all survivors are basically the same.
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This is exactly the reason. Sure it would be a good buff to low tier killers, but imagine an amazing nurse with 5 full perks at their disposal. The game has been built and balanced around the 4 perk system, if they ever changed it it would fundamentally break a very significant portion of the games balance.
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You should get 4 and the behbeh gets one too.
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To be fair, they could just nerf Nurse.
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With all of the problems that pop up with each new chapter, do you really think the code could handle this sort of change?
If it were ever going to be done, it would either have been years ago, or in a theoretical "DBD 2"
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Killers currently have a 62.5% win rate. And that includes SWF.
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Killers are already OP with 4.
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I mean even if killers should have 1 more perk slot it's way too late for that. I'm pretty sure all killer perks are "balanced" around killers having 4 perk slots, so they would probably have to re-balance a lot of perks just to adjust to that change.
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This stat is ridiculously skewed. A win for a killer is considered 2+ sacrifices. It doesn't differentiate from low skill new killers who tunnel/camp new survivors who don't know to commit to gens and high mmr games where getting 2k is a god send if survivors know what they're doing.
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You get brutal killer for getting maybe 3-4 hooks. It's an extremely stupid statistic until they fix the emblem system
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What is a "win" though?
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Like many other balance flaws it´s because of Blight, Nurse and Spirit. Any blanket change to killer makes these even more crazy op than they currently are, and because bhvr has proven unable to determine what is actually strong and what is not in the past we have like 16 killers that can´t keep up with competent teams.