congratulations, devs just explained how useless mmr is

(unable to find the clip by itself so here is a response tweet) But after 2 years time of, massive amount of cryptic ######### with no substance and excuses, this is what it all comes down to, only kills and escapes matter for the mmr.
I find that an honest response is the best.
No need to give them crap for being honest. If the system was a mystery before, now you have the knowledge you need to decide what a win is.
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how about not putting in the ######### system instead?
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So many people are saying the system is good, you might be in the minority on this issue.
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like who? i have not seen more than 5 or 6 people actually like it, all streamers and youtubers/high ranked people absolutely despise it
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You are just a few liking it and spamming the forum to make it look good but it's terrible. The game was quite fun and became a try hard platform when there is no fun. Gen rushing on one side,tunneling on the other. It's terrible, there is no gameplay in fact. One survivor get chased the whole trial while 3 others are doing gens and only doing gens.
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SBMM is so good that at high MMR i need 5 minutes to find a game as a survivor in soloQ.
As a killer, i need 5 minutes aswell.
As a reminder, 3 weeks ago queues were instant on both sides.
On Friday Evening... wow
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I don't mind going back to the old ranking system only if they give each killer a different rank and not a shared one. I didn't like the old ranking system bc many times as a new player(I have 200 hours as of right now) when I picked a killer I just unlocked or one I rarely play I would get game after game of unfun matches where 4 escapes and I might be lucky to get 2 hooks. Right now with mmr my matches are more balanced and I enjoy all my matches no matter the killer I am on. Plus I'm allowed to learn to use the killer power without being rushed or completely outplay in every loop. I get mmr sucks for those on the top and that is why I say I wouldn't mind going back to the old ranks as long each killer has their own rank and is not shared one.
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Of course they do. Half of them want to go with an swf and humiliate the killer in a match where they outskill the killer widly.
Also, they need to be viewed as good players, because few people watch streams to see "their player" lose.
Now if they are high skilled players, they can only win in a matchmaking like the old one, because they either get fair games, which they might lose, but also can get the easy games, and probably even way more often.
A skill based matchmaking only give them fair/hard matches, and they can´t just show off because they play against a 10-hour-noob.
They have reason to despise it, but burglers have reason to despise safty measures. Doesn´t mean it the same for the rest of the people.
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Here you go.
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Every forum post asking for an honest opinion on SBMMR on these forums show a majority of players liking it. And, that's on a forum that is very Killer-sided. Imagine how liked SBMMR is on the survivor side, which makes up 4/5s of the player base.
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I would be fine with escape / kill MMR, IF it was based on team results, not individual.
It's just dumb that I go on suicide mission to save a friend from face-camping and that results in MMR loss. It just promotes selfish playing.
MMR for killers would be good, but for that you have to use proper MMR for survivors.
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It really should moderate it and take both into account.
For example lets say the best escape 'score' is +20 MMR, well a portion of that should reflect how the other survivors did.
Maybe something like: Up to 14 points for escaping, adjusted for how quickly you escaped and the relative MMR of the killer. +2 for each other survivor that also escapes whose MMR is lower than the killer, +1 if higher.
The only issue could be how and when it tallies up the results. If you escape first, then it'll award you 14 with nothing extra, because no others survivors have escaped... yet.
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I'm torn. I think Killer goals are fine.
On the survivor side, I can definitely see the MMR being based on the teams over-all 2e/2k metric. However, I also can see the, did the survivor escape, being useful too. If you are dying first every game, then maybe you, as the survivor, are doing something wrong.
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Simple MMR that would be the healthiest for the game should be based on something like this:
Survivor Team
1 escape = lose MMR
2 escapes = no change in MMR
3-4 escapes = gain MMR
Killer - based on hooks
Hooks mean actual hooks - not camping to second stage, or survivor suicide. Mori or kill by own hand counts as 1 hook
So face camping to 2k means 2 hooks - a loss
0-3 hooks = lose MMR
4-6 hooks = no change in MMR
7-10 hooks = gain MMR
11-12 hooks = gain double MMR
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" If you escape first, then it'll award you 14 with nothing extra, because no others survivors have escaped... yet"
So it will be stand off till end of the collapse?
I wouldn't care if you escape first or last. I would take into account how many escaped and also if someone died, then I would track how many gens left. If they died with 0 gens left, then it's not big deal, but if he died on 4 gens left, then I would give them massive boost for it for escaping.
Hatch would be still 0 of course.
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No, that's same as before for killer, I really don't wanna be forced to babysitting survivors.
Survivors in your system are not punished for playing fast as possible, why should be killer punished?
When I manage to slug everyone with Oni, I should get MMR for that.
You would really want to force me farm hooks on remaining survivors instead just finish the game and play next?
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That's the thing though. Your scores in all respects are calculated when you leave the game, via escape or death.
So if you escape first, then it cannot factor in who else died or escaped, at all, because it doesn't know yet, the game is still playing out.
You'd be forced to hold all players hostage until the very last player has left, before scores are calculated.
This is precisely the reason why it's calculated as a 1v1. It's not ideal, but it's an immutable fact as long as we're not holding players hostage to watch their team mates finish the game.
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I am pretty sure it would be possible to just calculate it for everyone when game actually ends.
That's kinda same as you don't see killer perks till game ends. So I don't think this would be an issue.
Players can just leave, they will see grades as normal, you don't see MMR anyway.
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You die/escape first. You reach the scoreboard and your score is tallied. Other players are still in the game. So you leave the game and queue into your next one.
10 minutes later the last player of your previous game leaves, you're halfway through your next game. Are you expecting your score to be retroactively adjusted?
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Why not?
Changes in MMR are not that big to affect matchmaking by one game, so that doesn't matter.
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I think it needs to be based off their whole thing all the aspects, heals, saves, kills. chases, etc this seems like they are being lazy and just sloppy. I think this company having a successful game has given them a big inflated fat head. Because that's not how they did the pip system and clearly the way they did the pip system would make a more balanced way of matchmaking.
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It'd be less of an issue if the matchmaking wasn't so damn slow.
Before SBMM was implemented, I got extremely fast queues, under a minute most of the time. Now I have to wait 5+ minutes minimum on both sides. It's awful to wait that long to get a match only for it to go by in the same amount of time I queue for. Majority of my matches are sweat-fests with barely any perk variety.
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This. Separate ranking for performance as each killer was really all the old system truly needed, though a few other minor tweaks could have improved it as well. This "new" system is actually one the devs mentioned as a failed prototype back in like February or so. It was mentioned in another Q and A stream around that time they planned to scrap and rework. Yet now, here we are. Except that they also dropped the plan to have separate ranking for each killer, deciding to average them no matter how well you do with Spirit vs. Clown.
So they actually downgraded a system that they decided was a failure already, then launched it.
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They should have gone with separate rankings for killers as this would have been a better fix as I play pig mostly