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Everything wrong with dbd.

Talibowy Member Posts: 13
edited October 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I feel like this game is broken and it's just a trash that don't deserve my time and money. They are so many things wrong and I see that doesn't bothers the developers. Let's talk about the most importants:

1. New matchmaking system is broken and ranks are now useless. I've over 620 hrs in game and I'm not bad player but after adding new matchmaking system every game I play is with noobs or newbies. This means people who usually have ~50 hrs sometimes arround 100 hrs in game. They have no experience, they don't know how to play, often trolls, they just add bad teamplay such changing hooks when there is no such need and that's why I lose ez games. That is just frustrating. Even the fact that I usually run away is not satisfying and ends up with a small amount of points.

It's the opposite when I play as the killer (which I do very rarely) and always getting experienced team of survivors.

The old ranks were bad, but those are tragic.

2. Tunneling and camping killers. There are a lot of those and they spoil the gameplay for other players. And the lower the rank, there are more of them. Now almost all killers I play with are camping or tunneling. Of course, the previously mentioned inexperienced players do not know how to behave in such a situation, so it's a quick and frustrating loss. Such toxic behavior as deliberate tunneling and campaigning should be punished.

3. Bugs. So many bugs. It would take half a day to enumerate them. Each of us can select at least a dozen of bugs so...

4. Inbalanced or bugged perks and lack of proper information about them. Example: overpowered ruin+undying or bugged mad grip+save best.

5. Chat censoring. This game is for an adult audience but still chat is censored in the most idiotic way that interferes with normal conversations. Not only swear words are censored, but also normal words, phrases, and even nicknames. Few games ago I've played with guy who has nickname “Kakashi” and that nickname was censored on the chat as well. Just come on... Since you made an adult game then give up silly censorship. It's useless, poorly made and disturb playing.

6. Broken, untested updates. Every updated breaks something so another update is needed but it breaks something else and that's going over and over, forever. I could understand the little mistakes but not when update isn't tested at all like when introducing Pinhead breaks Freddy. It's just outrageous. It got to the point where the developers disabled maps because they couldn't deal with the bugs.

7. Developers doesn't keep their promises. For exaple how long we wait for Trickster's map?

This game is neglecting by the developers. They don't care about anything else but selling another dlc and creating good PR with the support of a minority. They don't care about the game and the players at all as long as we pay them. They lost control of the game, refuse to fix it and concentrate only on money. Because of that game is frustrating and I am considering to stop playing it entirely. And really looking forward for new games from others studios.

e: I agree that gen rush is a problem as well. Although a good killer can handle it

Post edited by Talibowy on


  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 772
    edited October 2021

    Camping and Tunneling are a response to how ridiculously fast survivors can do gens if they just split up. Camping and Tunneling is boring. I wish it wasn't a thing. But it's one of the few things killers can do to try and get some form of control over a match. You cannot remove them without doing something about how pressed for time killers are.

    Might I add another one:

    8- The massive effort disparity between killers and survivors. Survivors have productive downtime, where they are just holding M1 on an inanimate object, away from the killer and they're progressing their objective, which can be done so fast, and survivors have such an abundance of resources and safeguards that quite literally, outplaying the killer can be totally optional, if you have a decent team. Killers have to constantly, consistently outplay every survivor over and over again and when they have downtime, they are losing the game.

    This is the biggest problem in this game for me. Imo, killers and survivors should be required to interact with and outplay each other. I don't want killer gameplay to be easier, I want survivor gameplay to be harder.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    So you only complained about the stuff that happen on the Survivor side but nothing from the Killer side. Definetly nothing wrong on that side

  • Talibowy
    Talibowy Member Posts: 13

    Like I write I mostly play as surv. But neglecting the game, bugs, broken promises and such also applies to killers.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623
  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I agree with you on camping and tunneling, but i think you are exaggerating the effort disparity. Survivors have to play good when interacting with a very good killer if they want to win. Survivor isn't that easy, or kill rates wouldn't go up the further down mmr becomes.

    It's true that survivors have more downtime, killers don't really have any at all. But that's just because they are four and the killer is alone. It's not a bad thing for them to have more downtime. In my opinion the problem is just that right now survivors can do gens too effectively and fast without enough interaction with the killer, and the downtime can take up too much of the match.

    This is why the game either needs a second objective that also supports interaction with the killer, or many of its maps rebalanced, especially by making them smaller, which would also mean more interaction with the killer.

  • slendermansmoom
    slendermansmoom Member Posts: 544

    what's wrong with the game right now you say. hmm let me think.

    but to there defense no game is perfect and for how well made dbd is I can understand why there are so many bugs

    it's because there are so many things that can get bugged

    whenever they fix something they add new stuff which later on will have bugs in it

    I can't think of anything in the game which hasn't been bugged at least once

    so maybe we should give the devs a break

    of course that's not possible because most people who play dbd go on twitter or facebook or whatever and spam the devs asking when the next update is and when will they fix their game

    so dev's if your reading this your doing a pretty good job so far

  • Talibowy
    Talibowy Member Posts: 13
  • Talibowy
    Talibowy Member Posts: 13
    edited October 2021

    I was in game and chat censored nickname "vegeta" xD And I had in team a guy with 40 hrs in game. This game is really a garbage.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited October 2021

     Survivor isn't that easy. It's not hard neither. You don't even need to be good at looping, just learn what works from other survivors and hold W.

    Kill rate is something above 50%, because one player skill vs 4 players needed to be good.

    But even then it's not that high, noone is above 60%.

    When I play dead squad mode with my friends, then escape rate would be around 80%. Sometimes one get killed.

    I don't think it's hard to do it, so I am not really proud about it. It's just that lot of survivors are not trying to do research, not trying to improve, it's easier to complain about it.

    I quite often play on official discord and my ears are bleeding sometimes from what I hear there...