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Idea to improve balance for killer
This game is definitely balanced for survivor (while I play both I play survivor more). Assuming all players are off equal skill, the game should always feel out can go one way or the other. I have two ideas that would help change up the game to try and make it more balanced.
1. Gens repair speed (80 sec) is significantly faster than hook progression (120 sec). There are five gens and four survivors so total time to complete objective is 400 second for one survivor (assuming no cooperation, no toolboxes or brand-new parts, no missed skill checks, and no great skill checks) and 480 seconds for killer (assuming no attempts to escape or missed skill checks). Lowering a hook duration to 40 seconds a stage (80 seconds total) would be huge at balancing the game. Yes, this would make camping easier, without additional mechanics, but a mechanic could be in place that if killer is within 16m of survivor hook progression is slowed by 100%. This would make longer hook progression (160 sec) for camping killers. This would require survivors to stop doing gens faster and go for saves, thus helping to slow the game without changing gen repair time.
2. In order for that to help you would still need to get hooks. This is where a change to exhaustion should come in. Rather than just not letting a survivor use exhaustion perks, it should also slow down a survivor to around 80 percent of their speed. For exhaustion perks you would still get the initial boost in speed for that duration but then would become slower until you recovered from exhaustion. Also, running for a certain amount of time,for example 120 seconds, should cause exhaustion. This could be recovered relatively quickly after stopping running. This would force loops to become less safe and just sprint busting to the other side of the map would be less helpful.
Just a few thoughts on how the base game could be changed to bring more balance.
Back in the day if I recall correctly each hook stage was only 45 seconds
All it did was give a stronger incentive to camp and you wouldnt get punished nearly as hard, and we dont need another reason to complain about camping.
Also having Exhaustion slow down survivors would absolutely decimate the perks, I think they should just make them huff and puff MUCH louder. This would make instances were even if a survivor isnt running an exhaustion perk, it would still be a some what threatning status effect as theyre easier to track
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Did you read the rest of his post? He said that if a killer is camping then hook progression would be SLOWED - meaning you get penalized for camping.
I think that’s an awesome idea. It forces survivors to pick between letting a hooked survivor die faster on hook or doing their gen, while rewarding the killer for leaving the vicinity of the hook.
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16m isnt really that big, a killer could simply wait right outside of the area while still keeping a close eye on the hook
And survivors could abuse this by looping near the hook giving the 2 others even more time than they do now to do gens
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Maybe increase the range to 20m or whatever is reasonable. And if a killer getting looped near the hook, that’s where the strategy aspect comes in.
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You could of said that when the devs tested something similar already
There was a PTB where they tried to combat camping by making the timer pause when ever the killer was near, this was abused.
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It should never pause, though. That would be easily abused - like you said.
Unfortunately I don’t play on PC so I never have access to PTB.
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I know it shouldnt pause, but 80 seconds for 1 hook state is a REALLY long time and at that point it might as well be paused.
I didnt even play during this time, pretty sure the PTB was during the first few months of the games existence.