Trying to understand the "trial" (and its problems)

As soon as you press the join/create a match button, you are being put into a "trial", in which you show if you deserve a higher rank. However, there are many misunderstatements for the so called "trial".
From the survivor perspective escaping is NOT necessary to win the trial. Many people do not realise that, but Survivabillity is only one of the four categories you are being tested. There are also the Objective, Altruism and Boldness badges.
As a killer, on the other hand, you do not only have to sacrifice the survivors, cause there are also three more "tests" to pass.
That means:
Stop being frustrated when you get killed, unless you died early in the game as a result of tunneling,camping, unluckyness, bad killer connectivity and/or stupidity of a fellow survivor.
Do not camp. Especially at low ranks, campers can be lucky enough to get all four survivors. At high ranks, this does not work at all. Camping prevents you from getting points for chasing, breaking actions and brutality. Sacrificing is not less important than these.
Unfortunately,  camping prevents also the survivors from getting points for two badges(boldness, altruism), making their escape easier. The consequences are that survivors do not rank up from the trial, while the killer might also derank. A solution to this problem could be granting points to the fixer and the survivor on the hook when finishing generator repair and someone is being sacrificed (in the altruism category). Another good idea is rewarding the unchased survivors with the Boldness badge in Irridescent quality...
Balancing the game is not an easy work, while there are many problems to adress. Please tell me your opinion for these thoughts