Stop Balancing around Top SWFs

Boon totems ruined because killers are afraid of a coordinated 4 man SWF. Decisive Strike, Keys, and Object of Obsession was ruined for this reason too. What is next, Flashlights nerfed next? Flashbangs are already too difficult to use. I can count on one hand how many times I've seen someone saved because of flashbang. Killers have too much counterplay with it. A meme perk, not a useful perk.
What happens when survivors are nerfed and deprived of good things? 98% of the survivors suffer greatly.
Why are so much expected from a survivor team and only mediocre killers can put on 4 specific perks and win a huge majority of their matches?
Can a dev or someone answer this question? Why is BBQ, Tinkerer and Ruin not nerfed for good killers? They are broken when the killer knows what they are doing.
This goes for maps too. A large majority of survivors go down instantly, while the killer wins easily. Too much is expected from the “four” while asking little from the “one”.
If we are going to always keep survivor perks weak and uninspiring because of some really good SWF, then the same standards should be held of killers.
Its kinda funny when you think survivor perk are weak but in all the perk available for both side i would say survivor have the best perk and diversity for their build because they dont need slowdown perk.
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Problem is, once you become a top surv main, you can't become a trash player, when your a trash player, you can still become a top surv main. Balance around the skill cieling, where the killer will have to fight as much as the survivors, and than we have balance.
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When said masterpiece drops I sure hope... No I expect... Wait no, I demand that it gets pinned for the rest of this game's existence (which shouldn't be too long considering the current NFT affair).
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Yes, and than on the website for all world governmements, to show what a real politician is, sluzzy: Transparent, clear about their intentions, and willing to say them, never backing to the masses, sluzzy is who everyone should look up to be. o7
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It's the other side of DBD's design issue: Killers have no control over the game against a good survivor who makes no mistakes, but if a survivor makes a mistake against a good killer the punishment can be severe.
If it were more evenly balanced instead of relying on active and re-active roles, maybe survivors could make some mistakes.
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Boon totems ruined?
Did I miss something? Those nerfs didn't do anything for normal SWF really... Unless there is something new.
It's funny you think BBQ is good perk. Without that BP part, you would have like 6 killers using it, so that effect promotes to not camp the hook and hunt survivor you see in distance. How can survivors be unhappy about that?
Ruin again, like what is issue? There people that still think hexes are OP? Just learn totem spawns and cleanse it...
I don't know about you, but I am way more happy with survivor perks overall and you have a lot of builds you create and they will work. I can't say that about killers. You have usually like 2 good builds, rest is handicap.
Btw if this game was actually balanced around top MMR, then Undying would still be a thing. Deathslinger, Wraith would not get nerfed, It was nerfed, because of players like you.
Refuse to learn and rather complain.
I don't know how anyone come up with it's hard to create dead squad... It's quite easy, you don't need god loopers to destroy 90% killers. Just learn basic rules of what to do and not to do and then hold m1 on gens.