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Crashing while in boon totem area.
I just crashed on autohaven, as I stunned a wraith inside of a boon totem area. The game first froze for about 60 seconds, and then it crashed. Another survivor in the same game also dc'd inside a boon totem area, though I have no idea if that was an intentional dc or a crash.
Watching streams, I've seen several other streamers already also crash and/or freeze while inside the area of a boon totem, so I do believe they are somehow causing it. I will post again if it happens more times for me.
If you're on PC, can you grab your logs for me if you do happen to crash again?
1. Press Windows Key + R to bring up "Run".
2. Type this in the "Run" prompt: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\DeadByDaylight\Saved\Logs
3. The file called "DeadByDaylight.log" is your log file. Please attach it in your reply.
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I play through Game Pass, so the location of that folder is in a different place for me (C:\Users\*my username*\AppData\Local\Packages\BehaviourInteractive.DeadbyDaylightWindows_b1gz2xhdanwfm\LocalCache\Local\DeadByDaylight\Saved\Logs), however, the logs folder is completely empty. Searching through the other folders (including a folder called "Crashes", only shows multiple copies of a file called "CrashReportClient.ini", which only contains this text in all of them (they're identical):
Not sure if there's some other location the logfiles could be on the version of the game that I am playing, if so, do let me know!
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i also just crashed trying to heal in boon area. It did the buzzing sound while everything froze then crashed out about ten seconds later
playing as adept mikaela, yamaoka family residence, vs trapper.
xbox one.
edit to add: got mm timeout