Kicking a boon totem doesn't destroy the totem?

Maybe its only because the patch just dropped but the amount of boon spam I'm getting hit with is insane, ill kick a totem chase a survivor only to hear a thunderclap and the totem is relit.

Kicking a totem either needs to break it or you shouldn't be able to re-bless a totem.


  • EqMonkVeeshan
    EqMonkVeeshan Member Posts: 416
    edited October 2021

    as some one who considered themselves more of a survivor main I agree with you the totem should be destroyed if the killer breaks it. but my reasoning is I do not want to see a killer kicking a totem it not break then noed pop up in that location when the last gen pops. I also feel that boon totems should be able to be cleansed by survivors, because well I need to cleanse totems for task. that should be part of the risk of running boon perks like it is for killers running Hex perks.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited October 2021

    I think killers should be able to destroy totem, so survivors have to find new and make some efforts to make this perk work. It would be just like Inner Strength, but with better effect, because you can heal with it multiple times and it is shared for everyone. So it would be still really good perk.

    Plaything nor Noed can't over-write boon, so there is not really point in keeping that totem for the killer. Unless you are lucky and get it before blessing, but at that point survivors know where it is anyway...

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,613

    Killers obviously shouldn't be able to break the totem, this has been relitigated multiple times over. A better solution to the boon totem spam would be something like a short to moderate (say thirty seconds, maybe?) cooldown on the perk itself, so you can't immediately rebless a totem once it's been snuffed.

  • EqMonkVeeshan
    EqMonkVeeshan Member Posts: 416

    yea but lets say 1 gen left killer kicks a boon totem. totem remains and gen fires two seconds later and NOED is there. id much rather see killers break the totems. when they destroy boons.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited October 2021


    not really. Some just don't agree with it, some do, because it makes sense to destroy it. It's not like killer can use it after it anyway, so there is no point to him keeping that totem there.

    Why you should be able to do it again on same totem?

    Inner strength and other totem perks like that can do it once per totem, why should this be different?

    There is reason why it should be limited and you would have to make some effort using that perk. Right now you find 1 totem, do gens around it, so killer has no reason to go there and you are good to go and killer can't do ######### about it.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    But it's still bad, survivors know where that NOED is, so you will get one down from it at best. It would be actually better for you to destroy it, so you have chance it will spawn on totem, that survivors didn't find yet.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,613

    Relitigated means "discussed", in this context. It has a formal connotation, like it's being discussed by lawyers in meticulous detail.

    It doesn't make any sense to destroy it, though, that's the point. Boon totems are designed to provide a very specific mechanical change for both sides- they are not "survivor hex perks" and they're also not Inner Strength. Though, for the record, Inner Strength should probably be reworked because it is kind of useless now, I won't argue with that.

    The point is for survivors to continually be dragged out of position to use a totem in the area of their choosing, that you as the killer can make into a deadzone and start initiating chases with survivors who aren't working on the objective. If the totem is destroyed when you snuff it, they'll constantly be on the move so they won't be returning to the same spot over and over.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited October 2021

    There is no reason to leave gens, or chase for it. It's bigger waste of your time than survivors overall.

    There is just too many benefits vs negatives.

    You can recover alone any time you want -> saves your teammates time.

    Everyone can use it -> basically free perk to everyone else.

    Everyone can see where it is -> easy to use

    As long at least 1 survivor heals there you gained time.

    Only negative that it has is that killer can destroy it and waste 16 seconds of your time, but it's not like it didn't cost killers time too. They will have to leave gens or lose chase for it.

    Only time where killer should do it is when you put it next to hook, or gen. Otherwise not worth it.

    They will either have to nerf effect, which will be boring and make that perk useless, or let killer destroy that totem, so you have to make some effort using that perk and killer has actually reason to leave gens for it.

    I love that perk and I am going to use it, even if killer can destroy that totem, because I am used to Inner Strength, so it wouldn't be problem to find new totem.

    Right now it's just too good and it will destroy lot of killers.

    There are killers that can handle it, well mainly killers that are able to down survivors fast and don't need to snowball.

    It's basically 4x medkits, which is really pain to deal with as a killer. You need to move there to heal -> and? it's not like you would do it in front of killer anyway, when you are healing normally. So you would still move somewhere else, so not really big difference.

  • EqMonkVeeshan
    EqMonkVeeshan Member Posts: 416

    you don't get what I am saying in most my matches I take out as many totems as I can find. in fact today the thing I am talking about actually happened all totems was clensed except the single totem with the boon on that totem. killer literally kicked the totem and two seconds later the last gen popped and NOED. I want the killer to break the totem when he kicks a boon so this don't happen. I as a survivor want to be able to clense the boon totems as well.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Sure, we want it from different reasons, but outcome is same.