Killer: The Pied Piper

SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089
edited October 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions

There once was a town that had a problem with rats. No matter what they tried, they couldn't banish the pests that brought with them plague and sickness. One day a brightly dressed piper came to town, and offered the get rid of the rats for the mayor, for a large sum of money. The mayor agreed, and soon the piper was seen walking down the road, playing a song, and and leading rats out of the town.

The next day when the piper returned for his pay The mayor pretended they had never made a deal, and the piper vowed that if they wouldn't part with there money, they would part with their future. That night the piper played his song again, walking down the midnight streets. This time the haunting notes lead not rats, but the children of that town into the mists, never to be seen again.

Killer Power: The Pipes of Hamelin: Survivors in the killer's Terror radius when he plays his song are drawn to him. Standing and walking towards the music, they will not come within [x] meters of the killer (where x gives the suvivor enough time to run as the piper puts away his pipe, and pulls out his weapon) The piper can only enchant 1 survivor at a time, without add-ons.
(this is an anti stealth power, meant to pull survivors out of hiding, and start a chase there should be a delay between power use, and the ability to attack. and a cooldown that prevents abuse, but allows for skilful use )

Greed: Chests that are being searched give a noise que to the killer. After the chest has been searched, the survivor that searched it's aura is revealed for 3/4/5 seconds.

Debt: The longer people are on your hooks, the slower repairs are: Every 30 seconds a survivor is on a hook, you get a token. Every token is a 1/3/5% dercrease in repair times

Momentum: Whenever you gain bloodlust, you gain a token. Up to 3 tokens. Each token allows you to fast vault (.5 second vault speed)