Boon totems should only affect 1 survivor or occupy 4 perk slots.

Member Posts: 1,140
Title. Fight me. Killer has 4 perks, survivors have 16.
"Boon totems should only affect 1 survivor" probably yes.
"Killer has 4 perks" but only a killer can hit & hook (and/or instant-down) someone. So Boon Totem shouldn't "occupy 4 perks slots" ! The reason is: this Boon Totem is introduced to give a secondary objective for survivor to slowdown the gen rush (primary survivor objective) as requested from many killers.
Don't forget: some hexes, perks or powers (chainsaw, Kanabō, red add-on for the clown,...) can one-shot a survivor. BTW the boon totem to heal faster is an useless perk for the survivors...