Killers can easily grief event; devs haven't learned

Make them look just like regular gens on the killer's end.
How what’s wrong? What can they do
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Some killers will just camp event gens so there's one less you can do, to be fair devs did make it so you can't sabo event hooks so I don't see why they couldn't hide event gens from killers.
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So on the killers side they can see what an event gen looks like? Personally I've never had problems with griefing event killers but that does sound like an issue.
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how are they griefing though?
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I've never had killers grief event gens either but i know people that have.
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Yeah that does sound like a problem. Not sure what the devs were thinking there.
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In a match right now where the Plague is ONLY puking on the orange event gens!
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and I can repair the event gen while they camp someone else, or someone else can repair the event gen while I'm being camped
Hiding gens will help
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I don’t see the issue. I believe players can grief others; but this definition of griefing is too loose.
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Or cap event BP from Event Gens to a point and then introduce an extra Gen so the Atmosphere of the Trial is consistent across all Players.
Or just make all Gens/Hooks Event Gens/Hooks and have the Offerings simply increase the amount of BP gained from each. (And if you want a physical effect to the Offerings, could have it spawn in an extra pumpkin or something).
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Doesn't sound like "Griefing", its bad sportmanship but they aren't griefing you. You can still do gens, you can still play, you'll just be missing out on one gen in the match. Is it that big of a deal? Does having to take a little longer to do the event matter that much? Pumpkin seeds also make this basically a nonissue.
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Lunar New Year ALL hooks/gens were event hooks/gens. It was great. I don't know why they couldn't do same for Halloween event. Survivors can't sabotage the killers event hook but killer can prevent survivors from working on event gen, it sucks.
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I dont even get why the number of Event Gens/Hooks is now tied to Offerings again. This was the one thing which was good during the Chinese New Year-Event - all Gens and Hooks were Event-related and the Offerings just increased the BPs you get.
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Then survivors should be able to sabotage event hooks without any perks or items, since killers can kick gens without any perks or addons
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You know normally I'm opposed to anything that makes a killer struggle with gender control, but with an event I feel like I get generator briefing from Killers every other game, and then like 1 out of 6 or 7 games I meet a killer who compensates by letting people just do them by standing in place.
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I mean, if I'm playing killer and I see people that keep going back to one gen over all the others, it's definitely a good move on my behalf to keep going back to that gen and get them off of it.
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I mean it id EASYER for killer to grief the event gens
But so can survivors, by running in a corner, bodyblocking the Hook and making it hard for the killer to hook you know?
Its just two sepparate styles
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People wanted a special events. They got it.
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DC penalty is disabled, if you're being griefed just leave match and find another.
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That's not how logic works, hun.
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To make it fair, let survivors see the auras of event hooks at all times so they can run the heck away from them before being downed
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Remember excuse for survivors having to escape for anniversary event was "it's because they'd kill themselves on hook during Halloween event once they collected max serum"... Now survivors are DC/killing self on hook when killers prevent them from working on event gen because there's only 1 default event gen. Several matches now survivors have DC'd or killed themselves once event gens are done or if killer stops them from working on one. They should've made all hooks/gens event ones.
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It goes both ways
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Why have a "General Discussions" section if nothing that is posted ever belongs there and gets moved. General Discussions is the only place topics get seen, so removing General Discussions will better disperse forum-goers to other threads.
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At least the gens are more accessible then the hooks
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Survivors cannot see the auras of hooks they should avoid or block.
That's my point. It's easier for killers to "bad sportmanship" the survivors because they can see the auras of event gens
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"Pumpkin seeds also make this basically a nonissue."
What pumpkin seeds?
You get one every 3 Bloodwebs. 150,000 Bloodpoints (if you buy only the cheapest nodes) just to get one. I'm lucky to get 15,000 from 1 match. Ooh... I get to spawn one extra event gen every 10-15 matches.
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So I didn't realize killers get a special aura for the event gens. So not only can they find their hooks easier than survivors can find their event gens but killers also get shown where the event gens are so they can just head straight for them and prevent survivors from working on them? That's not OK.
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The fact that killers have event gens aura highlighted sounds more like a bug than feature tbh.
And why wouldnt survivors be able to sabo event hooks? I did that today several times no problem
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Oh, I must try that. That sounds super evil. Thanks for the tip!
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you can sabo event hooks
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Previous Halloween events they made it so you couldn't sabotage killer's hooks so survivors couldn't prevent killers from getting their event BP.