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Boon: Shadow Step is kind of too strong

Yep, the Boon radius is 28 meters, so it covers... ta-da:

A = π r² = 3.14 * (28 * 28) = 2,462 sq. m. Funny number, but The Game total area is 9,088 sq. m

So, potentially, one boon totem can cover 36% of the map... But wait! The map has 2 floors! Sot his is

72% of the map! Imagine no aura reading, no scratch marks, 25 pallets... running iron will!


I would suggest removing either aura reading or scratch marks effect from the boon and reducing its radius.

Or add the ability to the killer to Curse totems instead, so they cannot be re-blessed.

Again, removing the killers aura ability when blessing the totem is too strong and game-changing.

As a killer, when I hook a survivor I use BBQ to see the survivors working on gens. One is within BBQ range and another 2 in the boon area. What do I suppose to do? I am gonna camp the hooked survivor because I don't know where to go or until I see the survivor attempting to save.

Hex:Retribution won't give you survivor aura who blessed a hex totem.

This boon totem is rather super annoying.


  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610

    Aura reading and scratch mark obscuring really aren't that strong, as effects. Once you know it's in play it's pretty trivially easy to just not rely on auras to know where to go, and to use all other chase indicators to track someone who enters the area mid-chase.

    This effect certainly isn't strong enough to warrant the perk being nerfed that hard, either. Not even touching the attempt at sneaking in the limited-use argument halfway through this.

    I'll grant you that it's incredibly obnoxious on that map in particular, but in fairness that map is already obnoxious as all hell so it's not like the perk is having that large an effect.

  • BattleCast
    BattleCast Member Posts: 698

    Didnt they change the radius to 24 meters? Regardless, shadow step is too strong. I vote to remove the aura reading immunity from this perk.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,217

    You want to use the example of basically the smallest map in the game to nerf a perk entirely? That's not really enough justification in my opinion. Plus, Boons don't have a 28m radius, they have a 24m radius. At least get the numbers right before calling for nerfs.

  • sadakiyo
    sadakiyo Member Posts: 281
    edited October 2021

    it's very op especially in indoor maps

  • Dwigtht
    Dwigtht Member Posts: 462

    Sure. Small maps, why not?

    We have:

    1. Dead dawg saloon
    2. Swamp
    3. The Game
    4. Haddonfield is considerably small with difficult 2 floor houses
  • Legionair
    Legionair Member Posts: 196
    edited October 2021

    and spirits stand-still mindgame wasnt strong enough to warrant that buttfuck of a nerf but here we are, yes her mindgame may have been obnoxious but it wasnt that impactful as all you had to do was make a read

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610

    Y'know, I'm feeling feisty, so I'll actually take the bait and humour that ridiculous false equivalence.

    So! Two elements to this comment, both incorrect; a real Romeo and Juliet pairing we have here. First of all: Spirit wasn't changed solely to get rid of the stand-still mindgame, she was changed because she had basically zero counterplay outside of guessing. We can debate until the cows come home whether that assertion is true, but it's what she was changed for. The second aspect, though, that's the real doozy- a real behind-penetration of a nerf? My guy, Spirit is absolutely fine, and with some of her new addons she's arguably even stronger. The only thing that's changed is that people who play her have to engage a little more of their brain to ensure they're actually outplaying survivors and not just curbstomping them for guessing wrong.

    Back on topic, though: Shadow Step just isn't that strong. It's mostly annoying for countering BBQ, but I honestly kinda welcome the nudge towards using non-aura tracking perks. It's nice to shake the meta up a little!

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,217

    The Game is pretty much the only map this applies to (Midwich being the only other one, I think) as the fact that it is 2 floors stacked on top of each other means the total area the boons need to cover is about 4800 square meters (if we go by the upper floor, which has the exit gates and an extra corner part).

    That's basically half the size of Dead Dawg.

    Also Backwater Swamp and Haddonfield are very far from small, lol.

  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 778

    In a game where a killer could afford to lose a couple of seconds in chase while they track a survivor, or spend a few seconds tracking a survivor that hid without scratch marks, this perk would be fine.

    For perspective, if you don't follow a survivor because you're unsure if they turned left or right for even 1 second, they gain 4 meters on you. Than translates to 6.7 extra seconds in chase without counting pallets or windows. This is for one corner where you lost ONE second of distance cuz you didn't know if they went left or right. 6.7 seconds of extra chase for every 1 second the killer can't track you and can't follow you is ridiculous value.

    However, in DBD where a single chase that lasts longer than 30 seconds means you lost, this perk is ridiculous. It's not that you can't track them at all, it's that it destroys your time efficiency in a role that is already massively pressed for time.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    Alrighty... so. I personally don't think Shadow Step is too strong. Mostly because countering it is possible.

    If you don't run any aura reading, guess what? The aura reading immunity is irrelevant. There's plenty of good tracking perks that aren't aura perks. If it is bothering you too much, run those. Stuff like Whispers, Discordance, Thrilling Tremors, Surveillance, Infectious Fright, and Spies are all very solid tracking perks that don't care if Shadow Step is in play.

    The Scratch Marks is a bit more tricky, but this isn't impossible to counter either. First it needs LoS blockers to matter mid chase. Second, Bloodhound, Stridor (assuming no Iron Will), and Spies can potentially help you keep track of Survivors in spite of not having any scratches. Third, if you can just keep your eyes on them, no scratch marks doesn't matter.

  • Exult
    Exult Member Posts: 101

    I don't think it's overpowered. I think it's strong in the right circumstance but that's about it. There are crows and you if you have a headset you can hear the little pitter patter of the survivors' feet when they run.

  • Legionair
    Legionair Member Posts: 196

    if survivors are given so much info so as to 360 spirit in her power thats too much for a killer who cant see them. she had plenty of counterplay its called mindgaming. killers are supposed to guess how a survivor will react at a certain loop so idk why survs cry when they have to mindgame and guess where spirit will be? spirit was made to be easier to play and even easier to play against.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610