This spirit change is every bit as bad as I had thought

Pallet to pallet, iron will removes all reliable tracking , footsteps are quiet, boons now create scratch mark dead zones, honestly, I don't understand why behavior doesn't consider these things when making a change that already failed in the past , it's incredibly disheartening when the devs keep making killer little to no fun just so people can get their 360 montages..not really sure what else to say as clearly feedback won't help..I gave it as did many others. It got nothing done
*Completely disregards Spirit still moves at 176% movement speed and is also still practically invisible*
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Maybe you are just bad with Spirit? From what I have seen in Streams, played myself and read on the Forums, she feels around the same.
And even has a new Crutch-Add On.
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To be fair, if she feels around the same, was there truly any point to nerfing her so that people that sucked with her couldn't play her anymore? Doubt they were the ones the nerf was directed at...
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And you can still mindgame with her, but now it is an actual mindgame and not just "I stand still".
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Invisibility is useless if you know exactly where she is, and her speed is pointless if she cannot see or hear suggest playing her before making marks that don't hold weight
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Bot survivors will give that illusion
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So it's a mind game because survivors know her exact location at all times in and out of phase, while she has little to no feedback to work with..sounds familiar somehow
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Why is my win rate with her like approximately 85% with her then?
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careful, you might discover the true meaning of counterplay, heyoooooo
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85% with how many games? The patch just hit...
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Bot seriously, otz got fifty wins in a row with legion..proves how bad some players can be..not to mention one of the new top perks has been disabled
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A lack of it is the entire problem
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Without addons?
It always felt much slower for some reason.
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It's not as fast as it sounds, it's faster than survivors by a good bit, but still..not as fast as it sounds , plus her power burns quickly
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Probably because she stands still for a couple seconds before it starts and nobody holds w against her. Kind of defeats the purpose of the movement speed if you ask me, but whatever, I am not a Spirit player.
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Yeah without add ons. Sometimes her animations can feel weird where it takes a second for you to start taking off but she still moves fast nonetheless.
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I’ve played against good survivors though, even some with Iron Will. Even without that much gen regression.
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And whenever survivors make a good read and outplay me, I find myself complementing them. It’s just a lot of fun with new Spirit.
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They nerfed the stand still 'mindgame'. That was the point and reading the dev's update, it's clear that's what they were eyeing.
As for the rest, directional audio is just similar to what she already had ages ago and then when she had bugged moans. It doesn't change her strength on 90% of tiles.
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Because you played her alot before she was nerfed? Easily answered.
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I wouldn't doubt it, they had to preserve the egos of survivors who walked straight at the killer without reading the situations SOMEHOW.
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Dude thinking and even talking about average killers will get you a bad rep! Dont you know there are only casual survivors, top1% and good killers?
We cant talk about casual killers, thatd go against popular streamers and bad survivors. We must balance so casual survivor can still win against great killers lol
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Everybody but rank 20s knew better than to walk toward the husk. It was well estabilished since a couple of months she had come out. And there was no reading the situation. She was designed to not give out that information. It had nothing to do with ego, which is a strawman argument.
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The thing is people will still cry more for Mother Daughter RIng addon.
Considering high MMR, Spirit change is.. bizarre but can't deny she was low skill required.
Now she requires more skill and people will likely see more MDR spirit on high MMR.
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If everyone knew not to do it, why would they do it? And yes, you can read the situation with context. Or maybe I shouldn't say you specifically if you struggled with it, but that mind game was a joke. I never fell for it even as a new player. I could pretty readily tell if she was actually phasing or not based on the context of the situation. Maybe I am just a super genius?
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Definitely a god amongst men. Not even debatable.
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It's an example but it's convenient to pretend you never miss a swing I suppose
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Or more likely none
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It 100 percent does
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It's not a read, your blind, they are not
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Use your ears, use short bursts.
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Sounds are buggy for killer on a good day and thanks to Iron will not even an option sometimes, and short burst don't work if they just hold w from tile to tile, plus they can still hear you and cp the pallet with safety, judging by this though I see why you think how you do in this matter
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Why would you even bother playing Spirit at high MMR? Almost every lobby has 3 - 4 Iron Wills. It's annoying dealing with that as Spirit
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Perhaps I enjoyed the killer and used to like playing her in a way that rewarded strategy and planning , now you cant..but I still try to enjoy her gameplay
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Ok let me rephrase that. I have an approximate 85% win rate with her post nerf.
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Spirit is undoubtedly harder to play now. However, in the areas where she is strong, she is still very strong. I feel that this is a good change. To do well with Spirit you can't just pick her up, you need to know how to play her well and understand her mechanics.
This is how strong killers should be. It should be somewhat difficult to do well with strong killers. But when you understand their kit they should shine. Nurse is this way, Blight is this way, and now Spirit is this way.
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No, I'm not someone who just picked her up, I was there before she even existed, I've paid my dues in learning her mechanics..its just her mechanics have been stripped away , and you cannot say this is anything but that
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I agree, some of her mechanics have been stripped. But Spirit had too many mechanics in her favor, to the point where you had too much going for you. She still has mechanics to mind game loops and to get hits, but they're just not as free as they were before.
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they're going for the 4m killer instinct addon first it seems
i never got it, from my experience it was just potatoes that got stand stilled and everyone else would either start walking in an odd direction waiting to see if you moved or just immediately start running to a safer tile (especially a building's window) only with a big headstart
but the forum narrative is that standstill is the most ridiculous thing in existence, including after the re-introduction of 3 blink nurse, so....
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Yep, she's pretty much dead vs decent survivors now. Then pile on Iron Will, Lucky Break, Shadowstep, and its hopeless. Not that I played much killer anymore but I enjoyed playing against her as well.
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Strongly disagree, Shes just going to be another pallet eater, survivors have all the info now..while they can choose to give her 0..its exactly what survivors claimed she was doing to them but only this time it's true, all they needed was to remove her tr phase cloak and give a compromise, but instead they made her truley brain dead and unfun