No Scratch Marks, No Aura, no Med kit? No problem!



  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    I made a thread about using Bloodhound to counter Shadow Step (And to a certain degree, CoH as well).

    It looks like it got buried but I'll just mention it here and anywhere else I see people upset over Shadow Step. With Bloodhound, an injured survivor literally cannot hide from you unless they happen to have Lucky Break that is but that's not very common. You can pair this with Sloppy Butcher if you want to make them bleed even more frequently as well as reduce the healing from CoH by, -25% I personally don't use Sloppy with it though.

    Alternatively you can use perks and add-ons that insta down / apply Exposed or Broken so that they can't heal. Killers complaining about survivors taking protection hits and then healing nigh instantly.. Use Forced Penance?

    I've been experimenting lately with things to directly counter CoH and SS and I always get value from doing so since people bring both boons every single match.

    Once you figure out how to play around the boons they become less powerful to survivors since it takes them time to bless and set them up. If I can track someone who thinks they are safe with Shadow Step and catch them, hook them then go snuff their totem they lose SO much there. Once they get unhooked they have to go relight it, that's time that they aren't on a gen, it makes them predictable and they are easy prey.

    If boons ever become something that can only be used once per trial nobody will use them and they will become useless perks guaranteed but I guess that's what killers want out of this.

  • drpynz
    drpynz Member Posts: 247

    Yes, I want the perks completely gone from the game unless they only affect the survivor that blessed the totem and or once it's stomped out the totem is destroyed, just like a hex. That is exactly what I want.

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004

    Except they nerfed Thrill just before releasing this so there's no more notification. Odd timing, that.

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004

    Infinite terror radius? I have Doctor - what's the build please?

  • drpynz
    drpynz Member Posts: 247

    Agreed, why did they do that if not to make the totem game even more survivor sided? Survivors have perks that show them where the totems are, detectives hunch and open hand can let someone with a map run around after a gen is done and track every totem. Survivors have the opportunity to know where each totem is and now killers can't have a notification with thrill when someone is on a totem. What's the point of thrill now? Takes longer?

    I was playing survivor today and me and another survivor had CoH and SS against the Twins. It came down to one gen left and she had 3 gen'd us. I literally healed myself 20+ times getting that last gen. The twins player should have 4K's us 8-10 minutes into the match but got a 1K instead. I healed at least 20 times, get hit, run out and heal up. The other survivors did the same thing.

  • slendermansmoom
    slendermansmoom Member Posts: 544

    it's not an infinite terror radius but it's close to one

    the build is distressing, agitation, monitor and abuse, and what ever terror radius perk you want. also you must run calm carters notes and calm class 2. the gae is the best map for it so bring the game offering

    the best moment to use static blast is in chase while near the middle

    if your near the middle on the game you are garinted to hit everyone unless they are in lockers of course

    it's very fun and gets challenges in his tomb done fast

    also if you see a lot of items bring overwhelming presence