Deathslinger overnerfed and extremely awkward to play

Millor Member Posts: 17
edited October 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

The changes last month to Caleb Quinn have made his ability feel extremely cumbersome and awkward to use and overall he went from a okay killer that good players could do well with if survivors failed to adapt to (like any well designed killer), to arguably the worst killer that has absolutely nothing going for him and is now an entirely redundant and strictly worse huntress. It feels entirely unwarranted for what was a mid ranked killer to begin with. He's not just bad now, even worse, he's very very boring.

Caleb's ability to snap shot is what made him unique and fun to play, and the only thing that made him usable since his ability is so relatively basic and one dimensional. Caleb was never god tier unbeatable like some killers can be in the right hands (like nurse, since forever) he was merely good at hunting down overly cocky survivors. Against players who played more conservatively, he had no answer, no unique ability to hide his presence, to find people, or move around the map quickly to keep pressure, and anyone who was spotted but actually knew how to avoid his shots could waste so much of his time. He had a legit weakness that I feel people didn't exploit enough.

His middling rank and insignificant popularity makes the nerf so baffling, It seems like he was nerfed simply because he was just an annoyance to streamers who wanted to be hot shots running loops the entire map, who consequently have the loudest voice complaining about whatever it is that challenges that and their viewership, because they didn't want to adapt to a more stealthy play style when they came up against a caleb.

Surely there were other ways to nerf him if it was really necessary, like grazing hits on snap shots that are easier to break free from and don't require mending. Maybe an extra delay on reeling when firing the gun unshouldered? Less speed? I really believe the terror radius increase alone was enough of a nerf I feel as it reinforced his weakness and gave survivors more time to hide. Perhaps you could've given him spurs the jingle jangle jingle to make his presence known outside of his terror radius? Not only would that be fair, it'd be neat!

Ultimately, maybe the the snapshotting is the deal breaker and the only reason he was nerfed, personally I don't see why snap aiming isn't as valid a skill as any of the other different skills different killers require, but if it has to be lost, surely there's a better consolation than the small movement speed increase. As it stands, he desperately needs something to make him viable, or at least fun again. Surely such a thematically and visually awesome character deserves more than this great heap of indignity?

Post edited by Millor on


  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    I never thought quick-scope is an issue.

    He is ranged killer with limitations other ranged killers don't have, so it makes sense to have something unique they don't have...

    My only problem was zoning with fake ADS, because it was just cheap way to get free m1. Funny is that you just walk while ADS instead now...

    I hate how Deathslinger feels to play now, it's not about how good he is, because he is far from worst killer, but it just sucks to play him and it's not fun anymore.

    I just gave up on him as most Deathslinger mains did. It's just boring, he used to be unique, he is not anymore. There is no reason to play him unless you like his hat.

    ADS reduced FOV and sensitivity just feels so bad. I play lot of FPS games and this just sucks.

  • R1ch4rd_N1x0n
    R1ch4rd_N1x0n Member Posts: 1,731
    edited October 2021

    I was at first glad he got nerfed, but after playing against him, and as him, it does kinda feel like too much. Then again, it could be just because we aren't used to him, maybe he's not as bad as it seems.

    I think he should be able to use his gun as a grappling hook, I made this thread suggesting that

  • youngjun
    youngjun Member Posts: 269

    I agree. He is over nerfed and now he is useless

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    Just aim down sights while walking toward the survivor.

    You're no longer slowed to a stop and can close distance as the survivor tries to zig-zag and dodge a shot that's not coming.

    Then just M1 them

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited October 2021

    Oh, yeah so much fun.

    He is not worst killer. He still has good 1v1 and he still can use zoning.

    Problem of most is that it just sucks to play as him and it's not fun anymore.

    99% of FPS players played him for his quick-scope and tried to go for fancy shots, that was why he was unique and fun to play for us. There is no reason to play him now without it, unless you like his hat.

  • Millor
    Millor Member Posts: 17

    While an interesting idea, I don't think the grappling hook idea really fits him much thematically or what his gameplay seemed to be intended to be like. He is a "you can hide, but you can't run" sort of killer with low map control but very hard to shake if he spots you. I'd accept the increased terror radius or some sound cue outside of his terror radius to reinforce the fact that you are supposed to hide from him, if they reverted the shot delay nerfs. On the opposite end of the spectrum, they could perhaps enforce his ambush gameplay and make the terror radius reduction when aiming add-on just an inherent effect he gets. I found that paired with monitor and abuse to be at least an interesting play style. It feels very good to stalk through cornfields and have your spear come flying out and nail some unsuspecting survivor. But then again, it's rather map dependent, and it really seems like it'd be much more difficult to counter than he was. If that path was taken I think a ranged decrease might be needed.

    That isn't fun gameplay for anyone, it's a very silly and eye rolling encounter for both players.

  • R1ch4rd_N1x0n
    R1ch4rd_N1x0n Member Posts: 1,731

    He would still be able to use it on Survivors tho, grappling spear is just a secondary thing he can do for mobility, like Clown's antidote.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,714

    I’m a terrible shot so I’m definitely not a Deathslinger expert by any means. I will say though that the thing I find irritating playing him is his turning speed while aiming feels super slow, it feels like turning in molasses. I didn’t notice it when I was shooting from the hip because you could turn normally while walking and then quick right-left click to shoot whatever direction you were facing. But now it’s right click and hold for a bit until the gun is up, then kind of slowly turn and aim, so that really slow turn speed is much more noticeable.

    I can’t really speak to how good or bad Deathslinger is now, other than I’m assuming he’s not as good as before simply by virtue of having no quick shot. But as far as how fun he is to play for me that turning is a factor.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    The way Deathslinger played before his nerf was unfun and boring and predictable and bad

  • Millor
    Millor Member Posts: 17
    edited October 2021

    His ability is a bit one dimensional without much variation in how it's used, but a lot of killer abilities are like that. They can't all be convoluted and multi-faceted (or maybe they should be, but that's a lot of work). This update changed nothing in his game play other than making him worse. The only thing I see to make his ability require more thought in its use if the current changes are kept is adding like 10 meter terror radius reduction when he's ADS, and then replacing the terror reduction add-ons he has to something else (like ADS speed maybe!). More interestingly, maybe give him the ability to crouch and tie the terror radius reduction to that. Make it so he can crouch and move, or crouch and ADS, but crouch moving while ADS makes you automatically stand up (while continuing to aim), or just move even slower.

    Post edited by Millor on
  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Oh, he is fun, interesting and unpredictable and good killer now, right?

  • Taingaran
    Taingaran Member Posts: 288

    The lack of ADS camera speed penalty will significantly improve the comfort when playing as the Deathslinger.

  • Millor
    Millor Member Posts: 17

    This too, a seperate sensitivity slider for ADS would be extremely nice. Before it was kind of avoidable with snapshots, but now that we have to deal with the changing sensitivity even more it's much worse.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,639

    I have no reason to play Deathslinger anymore, he got the Billy treatment.

  • Babawizwiz
    Babawizwiz Member Posts: 347

    still don't get the TR nerf, they didn't even addressed the reason behind it, completely pointless

  • SeannyD115
    SeannyD115 Member Posts: 583

    You can't even try to shoot through holes in walls anymore. It just takes too long to aim

  • Nobody_TM
    Nobody_TM Member Posts: 38
    edited October 2021

    Gonna be a yikes from me. If 93% movement speed isn't slowed to a crawl I don't know what is. I'm giving my opponent a free haste effect simply for entertaining the idea.

    Also man what a healthy change for a killer; a man who threatens you with his power but never uses it. Fun for both sides. Just like Pyramid Head or Nemesis, just worse.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited October 2021

    Yeah, this was quite hard to do and it's not possible now.

    And then someone tries to tell me his skill ceiling is higher than before, what a BS...

    His skill ceiling is have patience to use zoning each game with that terrible ADS.

    Problem is that they would have to give him whole new rework to make him interesting again, or revert some changes (which I doubt they will do, that would kinda say they ######### up).

    Just numbers will not save this. He will always be pain to play with those changes.