Distortion + Shadow Step interaction

IsoSTARDUST Member Posts: 78
edited November 2021 in Bug Reporting

* Using the perks Boon: Shadow Step and Distortion at the same time - if an aura reading occurs while you're within Shadow Step's range, why is a Distortion token consumed? The Killer's aura reading is already getting blocked by Shadow Step, therefore, it seems to me that it should NOT use up a Distortion token, in addition. Is the game incapable of detecting the difference in when an aura is actually being read vs. when an attempt is being made to read an aura? This strikes me as similar to the Unbreakable + Soul Guard issue, where Soul Guard (while you are hexed) should pick you up before you waste your Unbreakable, while the conditions for pulling yourself out of the dying state by Soul Guard are still active - but you still use up your Unbreakable, anyway, when you attempt this. (When I reported this perk interaction about a year ago, I was told it was not intended behavior, but it still hasn't been fixed. Go figure.) Would it be possible to assign certain effects "priorities" so that they supercede other effects? Maybe some kind of check to see if a perk is active and otherwise to carry on as normal? I assume that's possible, because otherwise, how would half of the perk interactions in this game work?

* This happens any time you use these two perks together with any Survivor, any aura-reading perk, any Killer, any map, blah blah etc. bug report template.

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