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Hag's 'increase trip trap duration' addon; conflict between ingame descrip and wiki

wiki states "cracked turtle egg' increases tripped trap duration by 60%.

But in game, it shows it as 35%.

Prior to the last 2 updates to DBD, i am 100% positive the ingame text read it as 60%. The default of 5 sec duration stated in wiki hasn't changed.

The wiki also states 'half eggshell' and 'powdered eggshell' as being 40% and 20% respectively while ingame is shows as 30% and 25% respectively.

If no one knows the answer, i'd appreciate If anyone want to test this with me real quick in a custom game.

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Best Answer

  • Member Posts: 1,030
    edited November 2021 Answer ✓

    In-game is correct. I asked the wiki people about it and they did some investigating. It seems to have been a copy-paste error when the wiki itself switched from the hover-over numbers to in-text values. Updating several hundred addon descriptions is likely to cause some mishaps.


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