Wraith needs Windstorm and uncloaking speed to be decent

It's funny that the "strongest" add-ons Wraith has that people complain about all the time, silent bell and All-Seeing Blood, are actually pretty bad on him. They don't do much for you, not compared to the add-ons I'm about to mention.
Wraith's base speed while cloaked is noticably better than it used to be, but it still doesn't feel quick enough to be truly threatening. He can't play catch-up like Blight. If you go to break the pallet and then beat the survivor to the next loop, it's not gonna happen, and the chase will reset. That's why he needs to use Windstorm add-ons.
Because Wraith no longer has a long lunge to compensate for his massive slowdown from uncloaking, if you don't have an uncloaking speed add-on, the survivor is gonna beat you to the pallet or window pretty much no matter what you do. Even when uncloaking at the pallet on a short loop, Wraith's lunge can't get around to the survivor before they get to the pallet. It's completely up to the survivor to make the mistake. And then take into account longer loops like jungle gyms. The survivors can just react to what you're doing and you can't catch up to them from your slowdown. That's why he has to use uncloaking speed add-ons.
I'm not impressed at all with Wraith. Pre-nerf Wraith was like a dream. You could run whatever combination of add-ons plus Bamboozle, and you'd have a good chance of beating most teams, except the best ones. Now he's a joke who's once again reliant on Windstorm and uncloaking speed add-ons just to be able to hit smart survivors.
I loved him before they nerfed him, but now I finally have an excuse to never play him again, thankfully.
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Yeah, the aura reading should have been further away. But the lunge is completely like Day 1 DBD now LOL. I'm sure they will buff him more when they see literally NO ONE is using him as a KILLER. Add in Flashbangs and Blast Mines + Add on NERFS and still Flashlights blind him or burn him as well...he is DEAD until they re-buff him. Try new killers out, guys!
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wraith was overrated. never in the history of DBD has stealth killer ever been remotely powerful. never ever.
DBD has never have a single undetectable that is remotely good because stealth characters are noobstompers in almost every single video game. Casual players will always complain about them. In fact, I'd challenge them to ever make a decent undetectable stealth killer in the game.
The only reason to ever play wraith was all-seeing blood and now that is gone, Wraith is worse than he was before he got changed. What was the point of them even changing wraith if they just made him worse than he was before he got changed?
His lunge wasn't even good enough at most loops. if anything his lunge needed 0.25-0.5 extra more duration from previous duration to be effective at all loops in the chase for him to have gameplay at all loops. The game balanced around casuals so of course he became worse.
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wraith's post cloak is exactly the same. i don't know why people keep saying it isn't. a lunge lasts 0.3 seconds and his speed boost last 1 second instead of 1.25. he was seriously barely touched.
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Wraith is fine. I can see why Deathslinger and Billy mains complain about their nerfs. But Wraith? It's really not a big deal. He's still a solid killer. It's okay for the game to have solid killers who aren't top tier.
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Yea lol, all seeing is so bad that it counter any mind game for survivors. So dumb. Not to mention if you don’t have spine hill he will always get a free hit no matter what unless you wanna waste a pallet anytime he tries to uncloak.
Blight has limited charges and relies on flicks/good movement with your camera and predicting what the survivor is gonna do wraith you just run up to them, uncloak, BONK, repeat = kills
Thats why mindgames exist you pretend to go on one side then go to the other not to mention it’s a SHORT loop the survivor is getting hit/downed no matter what basically.
What do you mean EVERYONE said he sucked and needed windstorm addons? 😂
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He's noticably weaker because of the shorter lunge. With it being nerfed, he has to battle just to get 1 hit.
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If you think he's that easy to use and do well with, you either only play survivor or have very limited experience playing him.
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He’s one of my mains and in high level play yea he’s pretty trash but he’s 100% one of the EASIEST killers anyone can ever lay their hands in you literally hit, cloak, down. Either you don’t know how to play Wraith properly or with all due respect your just trash
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For me, the only Wraith need, is become inmune to flashlight lightburn, and don't have an increased pallet stun duration when cloaked.
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They buff wraith to be actually be a good killer, after that, they nerfed him, I don't understand the devs sometimes
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Simple if the buff a killer, the survivors moan they are OP. If the nerf the killer, the killers moan the survivors are OP.
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Wraith needs buffs he always was a weak killer and still is.
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Try playing Wraith without Bamboozle, and with survivors who actually know his counterplay.
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Even though I’ve definitely had situations where I could notice the lunge difference, overall the nerf really hasn’t been that big of a deal for me. I’ve still been performing about the same with wraith as I did before. And I never ran all seeing anyways.
I recently tried new blood favor on him and it actually felt pretty decent, definitely got some free downs because there were no pallets and I could quickly catch up.
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If you're downing survivors because of Blood Favour, they're playing the game wrong. When you get hit, you just use the sprint burst to get to a loop without blocked pallets.
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The problem is, I've never seen someone complaining about wraith
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Oh, they do. All the time, except for now because he just got nerfed. They say crap like, "He's so simple! Just uncloak, hit them, cloak, uncloak, then hit them again! Braindead killer!" Must be why Oracle beat Tru3's Wraith so easily, 5 games in a row.
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Perhaps. Idk, I only tried a few games with it, I don’t typically run it. I didn’t really pay attention to how far they ran, just that wherever they went to had no resources, lol. I’ll take what I can get.
People do. Although I think a lot of people who complain about him just don’t know how to play against him.
Thing is, if he catches you out in the open, then yeah, you’re probably getting hit. People complain that he’s easy to play. But he struggles against survivors who actually know how to beat him.
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Devs proving, for the 1000 time, how clueless they are.
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Been doing it the entire time I’ve been playing him 🤡
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I play many killers, so I know what I'm talking about. He has almost nothing going for him. Claims that he's OP or even strong literally come down to "he's invisible and fast, so must be OP." There's way more counterplay to him than that, and that's clearly observable.
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Exactly. Let's not forget that when he was buffed by increasing his uncloaked speed they threw in also a buff to his post-uncloaking speed boost, which imo he didn't really need. They just reverted the change.
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Never said he was OP, just really boring