Wraith needs Windstorm and uncloaking speed to be decent

danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,286
edited November 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

It's funny that the "strongest" add-ons Wraith has that people complain about all the time, silent bell and All-Seeing Blood, are actually pretty bad on him. They don't do much for you, not compared to the add-ons I'm about to mention.

Wraith's base speed while cloaked is noticably better than it used to be, but it still doesn't feel quick enough to be truly threatening. He can't play catch-up like Blight. If you go to break the pallet and then beat the survivor to the next loop, it's not gonna happen, and the chase will reset. That's why he needs to use Windstorm add-ons.

Because Wraith no longer has a long lunge to compensate for his massive slowdown from uncloaking, if you don't have an uncloaking speed add-on, the survivor is gonna beat you to the pallet or window pretty much no matter what you do. Even when uncloaking at the pallet on a short loop, Wraith's lunge can't get around to the survivor before they get to the pallet. It's completely up to the survivor to make the mistake. And then take into account longer loops like jungle gyms. The survivors can just react to what you're doing and you can't catch up to them from your slowdown. That's why he has to use uncloaking speed add-ons.

I'm not impressed at all with Wraith. Pre-nerf Wraith was like a dream. You could run whatever combination of add-ons plus Bamboozle, and you'd have a good chance of beating most teams, except the best ones. Now he's a joke who's once again reliant on Windstorm and uncloaking speed add-ons just to be able to hit smart survivors.

Post edited by Mandy on
