We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Survivor Passive game exploit... what it is and how to fix it!

Hi guys and especially devs,

in case you don't know, what that exploit is, here is a short explanation:

Survivors will not do any objective, they will briefly move from locker to locker, from badly spottable position A to B, without you, the killer, ever having a good chance of finding them, unless, by chance, you run something like the whispers perk, or you have the stamina to check every corner, every locker, multiple times, over and over.

I have a very nice game recording of a 35+ minute match, where the survivors and I were matched at Raccoon City. A map, that works very well for this kind of exploit. Well, 35 Minutes it took me to find them. No generator progress at all, just stalling the game with the attempt to make me quit aka DC aka punish myself.

This is a clear exploit as it creates a loss/loss situatuation for the killer side. If you endure through it, you have pretty much wasted 2 or more good/fun matches for this one. You will get little Bloodpoints afterwards. If you DC, you get 0 Bloodpoints and a DC penalty prohibiting you from playing again directly.

So, how to fix this. Exploit in itself is toxic, trollish, ... that's one thing. But it shows a flaw in game design aswell.

My idea on how to tackle this (All time / BP values are open for finetune here):

The game needs a timer. At the beginning of the match, there is a 15 Minute timer, that will run down and trigger the entity. Not power the gates, not do anything for the survivors. It will end the game and make them the losers of this round. A game won like this, will grant the killer extra Bloodpoints, let's say 16k. 50% of a proficient round.

Once a gen is completed, the survivors gain time. First gen gives one minute, 2nd gen gives two minutes, 3rd/3mins, 4th/4mins, 5th/nothing.

This leads to a hardcap of 25 minutes a round can take and it would solve the exploit to a high degree, I think.

It removes the loss/loss situation for the killer and it limits the amount of wasted time in this scenario to 15 minutes.

Achiving gens will feel more rewarding for survivors and pressure their role a bit more as I feel it should be.

I hope the devs read this and get me/us some feedback on this.

Only@BHVR: If you are interested in the four players, that used this exploit. I have a HQ recording and would be willing to submit it to a server or via ticket system, if you can assure me, I am not wasting my time. It could lead to an even better understanding of the exploit and I really would like to see player bans for exploiting like this, to make an example, what is unacceptable in online gaming and in DBD especially.

I am pretty new to the game, so probably this exploit is not new at all and common knowledge for more veteran players. Nevertheless, it needs fixing.

Best regards