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Interrupting unhooking

When playing as killer, why can't I prevent survivors from unhooking other survivors?

For example, I hit an unhooking survivor full on and still, the rescue is uninterupted and both can flee...

And I am not camping to wait for the rescue; I am just playing "blue-collar killer" making the rounds and rushing back when any "unhooking is going on".

But, as outlined, even direct hits do not interrupt the process.

I also looked for a "grab prompt" to grab the rescuing survivor "in the act", alas, none is there...

It seriously does not make any sense anymore to play as killer when (severely) wounded people get a hatchet in the head/back and still proceed with a rescue as if nothing happened.

At current it would seem that seasoned survivors (and I really do not mean that they are playing well...) simply due to leveled perks are way too overpowered - there certainly is no dread for them...

Up to now, I was playing this game for fun as survivor and killer and - also by no means a star player - I was not shabby; all matches just were fun (even when my character got killed/did not hunt well).

But, as mentioned above, lately I have the feeling that the survivors are seriously unbalanced overpowered.

Maybe I am missing something, if so, please let me know.

But survivors just unphased by any action (again, hatchet to the head...) proceeding with any unhooking - that's not cool.


    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    I can't even remember the last time I got a grab on an unhook. Always cancels into a hit.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    I've gotten grabs and interrupts, still. You have to get them pretty early in the animation sequence, though.

  • AGM
    AGM Member Posts: 806

    There are two parts to unhooking. The first part is when the bar appears on the survivor's POV. This is the only time when the unhook can be interrupted, and the rescuing survivor can be grabbed. After the bar fills, the unhook is considered successful, and the rescuing survivor can only be injured; the survivor being unhooked has invincibility frames during this stage.

    Even if you can't interrupt the unhook, hitting the rescuing survivor during the second part of unhooking will eat up part of their speed burst, making them quite easy to down.

  • LouGaroo
    LouGaroo Member Posts: 7

    First of, thank you very much for the input and feedback.

    Then, maybe, I really "just" :) :( was too late for the interrupt considering I am not camping around but really rushing "to the scene".

    And, yes, one would think that a good hit - and really good hitting I did them, believe you me - would slow them down, but they actually rush away pretty good and unphased.

    Yes, I know, there are certain rescue/rush perks, but considering said experiences with basically any match, I would say these in themself (maybe only if stacked) are way too overpowered.

    A good "grab 'em at the gen" or the occassional vault interrupt all work great; but this "catching them in the unhooking act and really souring their day with a nice machete/hatchet hit, but still they are just scampering away" - that is just downright frustrating (and immersion-breaking).

    AND just over this evening I have played several matches as survivor, just "to get the other side's perspective" - and not even as a high-levelled survivor, mind you (Steve Harrington at Level 3 !!!).

    All other players - survivors AND killers - where much higher-levelled.

    And whaddayaknow? The matches were pretty much a cake walk !!!

    Only 1 match was really tense; and that ONLY because 2 survivor guys rage-quitted pretty early (practically at the start of the match because they were hurt...) and left the other survivor and me to fend for ourselves - and we still kicked ass and got out without much hassle.

    Granted, that killer player maybe just didn't have his best day - happens.

    But still...

    And all the other matches were played with good co-oping survivors and good/relentless killers - still, it only was very, very, very occassionally tense; mostly, it was just some minorly exciting situation. And only rarely.

    As I said - basically, a cakewalk.

    When I started playing this game, you really were lucky to get out alive.

    1 made it? OK, that was to be expected right? It's a slasher game, after all.

    2 made it? Oh, that's cool. So, you really can do this.

    3 made it? Wow, we are good!

    4 made it? WOW, this is SOOO cool - great teamwork, everybody!

    And now? It's practically a GIVEN ! Even only moderately teamworky survivors can get out alive in full numbers.

    No dread, anymore.

    So, considering this literally just-recent experience as a survivor (which I actually hadn't played in a while, so I wasn't even "played-in", mechanicswise), in my opinion, leveled survivors with stacked perks and whatnot are sooo overpowered, even a half-decent killer does not stand a chance.

    A really good killer might provide for the tingling of a kiddie matinee...

    Again, I loved playing as survivor and as killer because it was a good experience and just downright fun for the various perspectives - but like this it's pretty much pointless.

  • LouGaroo
    LouGaroo Member Posts: 7

    Again, yes, this could be as I am not waiting around.

    Still, playing as survivor over the evening unfortunately only has reinforced the impression of some serious balancing issues.

    I certainly hope that will be mitigated as I still regard this game as a great hunt/co-op experience.

    And considering the usual diligence of the developers, I am confident.

  • LouGaroo
    LouGaroo Member Posts: 7

    Best I can explain is as follows:

    - grab a survivor

    - hook 'em up

    - go along your business

    - as "with the current situation" survivors even loiter around, chances are good that you just chase 1 character and see that somebody is nearing the hook for a rescue attempt

    - now comes the fishy part, you "go for the interrupt" (best way possible with the rescuing survivor still approaching and/or just making contact with the rescuee) while survivors either not seeing you (reassured that you chase somrone else) or not caring

    - you hit the rescuing survivor really nice and good (a grab prompt did never appear during my aporoach as killer, so I presumed this being no option, anyways), but still the unhook is completed and both just scamper away

    - and that is a very sombering moment

    Again, I love this game for what it is and the experience it provides; but these recent matches (always with different players) really sour the experience.