Please rework Nemesis and make them a proper killer

I do not mean make him above A tier or buffing him. I want him to actually fit the lore much more than what he is in dbd as of right now.
Normally reworks are a scary idea, but I feel like Nemesis could use one to make them feel more unique and not like a gremlin. He feels so boring to play as and against but I sit through it because I love the Resident Evil franchise. But, what happened to him feels like a travesty.
There are so many ideas that could make Nemesis unique and amazing, him being this hulking behemoth would be great or having his virus play much more of a role than making it where zombies and tentacles hurt. He feels so lackluster and frustrating, in other words, just genuinely sad to see my favorite antagonist like this.
There are a few people I saw on the forums who suggested ideas for Nemesis and they were interesting. (Excluding the Rocket Launcher. As fun as that would be... No.)
this is a discussion I made in the past, this is just a general idea I have.
I want Nemesis to feel more like him or the Virus actually be like the virus. Pyramid Head actually got his role extremely well and his power fits him perfectly. How or why did Nemesis get the short stick of a bland generic power. It actually feels more bland than old Freddy and old Freddy was just a M1 killer who made things feel unique.
I just want Nemesis to actually feel like himself instead of this
I agree that Nemesis needs an actual fitting power. The tentacle was the easiest and worst route because of its simplicity. I would actually love the rocket launcher idea. It could travel at the speed of an uncharged hatchet. Thing is you can only spawn one rocket launcher and get only a couple of shots with a small explosion radius. It could work like plagues corrupt vomit.
He just needs something that feels like Resident Evil. But dbd and RE play so differently it's hard to do that within the game. One is a slow while the other is intense and fast with tons of gunplay. They don't really mesh well but I'm still glad we got the cross over.
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The Nemesis we got in DBD was honestly a disrespect to Resident Evil and Nemesis. It just doesn't feel like Nemesis at all, feels more like "big man with tentacle." For instance, it would've been cool if Nemesis got a dash of some sort.
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That's fair, no I get that. I guess that's why they made Nemesis like this, but realistically... they could have done a lot.
Nemesis could be the only killer in the game that can just body slam through a breakable wall without getting stunned. I feel like smaller things like that would make him more interesting
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I've been using the Blighted Serum dash and he feels so much better....
When I remember that I have the serum haha
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With Blighted Serum or kicking treat pumpkins on him, it feels really natural tbh.
But yeah sometimes I forget that I even have the add-on, you're not alone lol.
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Nothing is more embarrassing than trying to pull out your tentacle to infect someone and you just body slam into the wall full force
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Yeah, I wish he had this or a mini oni blood rush he could use for mobility to capitalize on zombie info.
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Exactly. Just little things that make him feel more like himself instead of a copy cat
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As long as we keep the weighty punch. It's one of the most satisfying things in the game to actually punch something and have a fluid animation that feels hefty.
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Oh yeah, his attack animation is perfect. They should not change that