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Boon: Circle of Healing

So we all can understand that when you bless a totem, it boons it. Correct? Well, I came across a bug with Circle of Healing now, or maybe it's normal to the game. You lot can tell me otherwise. So apparently, Circle of Healing, compared to other healing perks or with other people, is unaffected by healing speed regression. In the image used, the Pyramid Head is using Sloppy Butcher, but you can see here that there is no "red bar", meaning I'm not getting slowed. I'm unsure if it works with other healing speed reduction perks such as Dying Light, Blood Echo, etc. Bug or Normal? I'm not too sure...
It's actually just a visual glitch btw - sloppy butcher does still slow it down. The real bug is that the healing bar just simply isn't turning red to show that. I noticed this before and timed it in a custom match to confirm.
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Yeah I realized this later after I posted. Thank you though.