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Another camping thread - Its getting worse

Voodoo101 Member Posts: 237
edited November 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

So there have been a lot of talk of campers on here, and I have been a big advocate that proxy camping is not a problem, waiting for the save and then going on the chase. This keeps you busy, spreads the love and gives the survivors a chance to save and play. I normally get more hooks, even if I lose the game, but when I get a 4K I know I have earned it.

Face camping is a big no, because it's boring, spoils the game for all and is not worth it. Why get one hook and about 10K of blood points, when I can get multiple hooks and over 30K or more and have more fun.

I have been playing for about a month, so up until tonight I have only met a few face campers, the proxy campers I respect, even if the tunnel me, after all three survivors doing gens if better the four. I have met a few campers, normally Bubba's which I understand an bit, and one streamer who I had looped for a while in another game and he did not catch me, although he tunnelled me, who actually took time to find me in another game, just to get me down and then stood in front of me, hitting me with axe. I think I met somebody the other day who was just bad and camped me, but got off hook and left. And one last night who I ended up 4%, being on a hill by gate with wraith stood in front of gate, injured but with med kit, and as the others left, hatch spawn right behind me.

Today a friend and I played for six hours. We had no boon totems, I had the usual build of sprint burst, kindred, borrowed time, resilience, my friend had no perks or addons because of Steam achievements, but in six hours of playing, one game did not involve a face camper, whether it was us or some random person who just joined in lobby somebody was face camped, and these was on 4 and 5 gens. Then when you saw their loadouts, it was BBQ and Chilli, NoEd, Ruin, Iron Grasp, No way out, then offerings like Mori, iridescent or very rare addons. Some was console players, some PC, some low ranks who I can understand a bit if the can't chase, some high red ranks. We had Bubbas, a Trickster who actually stood in front of me and threw knives, somebody had a Huntress throwing hatchets, we had a Legion, but to be fair it was an indoor map and they was having a hard time getting a kill, but many others did not even give chase much, got one lucky hit, hooked and then would not leave the hook, even when other players stood looking.

It does not bother me if they really want to face camp, it give me time to browse the web inbetween and all the time the killer is with me, the rest of the team can watch kindred and carry on with gens. When the gens are done they can rescue me and we can leave, or I die and the killer gets one kill, but it seems like the problem is growing and with more and more survivor players getting fed up with it, how long before people decide to leave the game.

People moan about players who DC, it is so easy on a console to hit the off button. Even with a 24 hour ban and come back the next day, or never. The problem is not with people who DC, its the way people play.

Now I know some killer mains will say about gen rushing, which we was not, in fact we was spending time doing totems, chests and things for challenges. It was just because they was either that bad, wanted to play to spoil the game, or thought it was the only way to get a kill and think it was a win.

Something needs to be done about face camping.

Post edited by Mandy on
