What if boons worked like pentimento?

If I read the description for pentimento correctly, the entity will take the remains of the totem after it's broken the second time. So how would it be if boons worked like that? Once the killer stomps them out they will break for good.
No, because killer's life should be miserable
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Honestly due to their limited range of effects I don't think many people would use them, if they were a one time use perk.
Limited uses I can get behind. Like each boon has 1/2/3 tokens and each time you bless it consumes a token from every boon perk you have equipped, for example. That'd help tone them down, add in some resource management to them (do I use it early to deny early game pressure or do I use it late game to help prevent the pressure point of no return), and in general promote healthier skillful gameplay and interactions where the survivors are not on generators.
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They are Boons.....nothing healthy about them. They were made to make Hexs obsolete, a reason to nerf ToTH, and a reason to promote a more toxic atmosphere for killers and hold survivors hands that cant actually adapt to changing conditions of various killers.
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I mean, if you wanna believe that then go for it.
Personally I think they were made to encourage alternate objectives for the survivors to help slow the pace of the game, however the implementation was just a smidge too broken.
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Slow......the.....pace of the game.....that's is actually really funny because it hasn't slowed the game down at all....in fact it sped the game up because if killers look for a Boon they will lose the game fast
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There are five totems in a given map.
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"However the implementation was just a smidge too broken"
Reading comments in their entirety will get you far.
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With 4 people who could potentially use boons, also factoring in people who cleanse totems for challenges/inner strength. Then totems which spawn in bad places to boon too. A lot of people don't like one time use perks.
DS and UB are not counted because their effects are felt throughout every game, even if a survivor doesn't have the perk equipped. People are naturally wary of slugging or tunneling due to these perks possibly being in the trial.
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I think the impulse to have totems broken when they're snuffed is understandable, but that'd really make the mechanic supremely unfun and annoying for everyone involved. As Killer, you now have an annoyance you're incentivised to go out of your way to take care of, and as survivor you're at the whims of chance to see if your "safe haven" will actually last long enough to be that.
(Before the snarky comparisons, I also think hexes need looking at, bringing up how hexes are in a bad spot only proves my point further and doesn't counter it in the least)
More importantly than that, though, all of the potential back-and-forth and game slowdown would be completely tossed out. Survivors would no longer have an optional side objective they'll spend time on instead of doing generators, they only have to bless once and then it's back to sitting on gens for the whole match between chases because they have nothing else to do. Killers would no longer have an idea of where survivors are trying to be because the totem would already be broken and survivors are back to scurrying off into the shadows to regroup instead of trying to get value from their totem.
Boon totems (or more accurately, Circle of Healing specifically) do need to be better balanced, but this isn't a good way to do it.
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Again, there are five totems. The fact that other people, at times, cleanse totems doesn't change the fact that you're going to get more than one use out of the perk in the vast majority of games.
It's funny you mention inner strength. A far weaker perk that also has a maximum of five uses per match. Why's that limitation fair for inner strength but not for boons?
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If you read my previous comment I was absolutely all for limiting the use of boons, just not to once per trial.
Though I absolutely wouldn't mind buffing Inner Strength, which Pentimento actually does. So that's always nice
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3 blessings per survivor is twelve snuffings. It is technically a limitation, but one that won't ever matter.
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Let killers set up their own hexes with a 10 second set up and you can break my boon totem after a 10 second break animation and it's gone for good. Fair is fair.
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2.5s as every second the killer has is 4 the survivors do
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I genuinely think having a cumulative blessing reduction per bless action is the way to go - per totem, that is, rather than per survivor.
First blessing? 14 seconds. Second blessing on that totem? 18 seconds. Blessing on a different totem? 14 seconds. Etc.
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And a killer can hear boons while a survivor has to run a perk to find them fast. Play enough survivor then totem locations become easier to find. It's unending but having a hex automatically spawn and get instant regression while I have to run around and waste a perk slot looking for it then spend more time cleansing it just to make you lose the effect OR spend almost 38 seconds to bless it just for it to get taken out in 1.5 seconds?
Yeah, no. You want fair then make it FAIR. TIME is the true win mechanic in this game. You give too much to the killer, the chances of them winning skyrocket. Just like NOED was "fair" for years, Boons are much fairer. We have to find a totem then spend time to bless it and hope a killer who is walking past doesn't immediately snuff it.
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Killers only get their hexes once, survivors can infinitely relight their boons
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Wasting time to do so. I wouldn't care if they BROKE the totem afterwards as long as they reduced blessing time to 5 seconds, made it map wide and made it take 5 seconds to break as killer while the killer has to set their own hexes up with a 5 second timer. You have to have balance in all things. Hexes are map-wide, also.
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Map wide boons would be stronger than an infinite haunted grounds exposed timer
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You mean NOED. Devour Hope. I would love to see those as only 24 meters. See what I mean? Boons are not a problem but I do agree that killers should be able to break them with a cost of their own. I play both sides and I have had this conversation with someone else, too. I have a much easier time as killer as Rank 1 and I don't even camp or tunnel. I believe in giving everyone a fair shake.
You can't tell me NOED and Devour are fine but a healing boon isn't? I still have to find a totem, bless it then heal. Just blessing and healing together is 32 seconds. That's not including, finding the totem and also NOT a HEX, which is even longer. Then afterwards, a killer can snuff it out instantly then I have to spend more time going back then blessing it again but the killer knows where it is still from last time.
It's more of a waste for a survivor to do than killer. If I do all of that then a killer just instantly breaks my boon permanently, that wouldn't even be worth my time since OTHER PERKS also rely on totems for effects. Now there is a perk that rewards a killer for broken totems and if you BLESS them, they just break and disappear still. A lot of people might not like it but it's balanced as it is.
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No i mean haunted, as in you pop it and are permanently exposed
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5 second to bless for map wide benefits?
Tell me you're a survivor main without telling me you are a survivor main material right there.