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We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

PC - Perks not working / Challenges not working / Steam Achievement unlocked by bug

BlueJaf Member Posts: 28

There's several Challenges that don't seem to work, as well as some perk not functioning. Rather than make multiple threads I figured I'd do it in one.

Step 1 - For the purposes of all issues below, I have booted the game (I see that was required when specified in template).

Step 2 - I will tell which Survivor/Killer I've tested the issue with per issue.

Step 3+ - I will usually describe those within each issue as well. But ALL tests and games were always public matches.

TL DR will be in Bold. I've worked as a QA for a long time and I'm aware I can be quite "thick on text", but I've been told it usually ends up helping. Still, at the beginning of each issue, I'll put in bold a "short and sweet" version of the problem, and the text after it will encompass how much I remember of the issue and everything I can think to help.

Steam Achievement (There is a Steam achievement that I unlocked despite not meeting it's pre-requisite, and I'm assuming it's because it got changed recently):

  • Left For Dead - If killer closes hatch while you're working on the last generator, it counts as if you completed it, so exiting through the gate at this point will give you the achievement. The achievement states "As the last person still alive, activate the last generator and escape through the exit gate." Now I'm assuming this means you have to ACTUALLY finish the last generator (to 100%), and the power up one of the main exit gate (or have the killer open it) and then leave the match. But that isn't what happened for me. (Step 2) Select Bill (I'm assuming this can be done with any survivor, but that's the one I did it with). (Step 3) Have 4 gens already completed, and have all 3 other survivors dead (meaning you are the last one alive). Begin working on the last generator needed, and while you are working on this gen, have the killer close the hatch (this should essentially cut your work short, since the exit gates are now powered up). Go to an exit gate, power it up, and leave. This will unlock the achievement. The issue here is probably that it somehow registers that the survivor "completed the last gen" because you're actually interacting with it as the killer closes the hatch. But I'm assuming this is an unintended side-effect of recent changes.


  • Premonition - [The perk simply does not work properly, and that's for most use cases] (Step 2) Select any survivor (tested on at least 4, including Nancy, Dwight, Claudette and Laurie). (Step 3) Equip Premonition. (Step 4) Begin a chase with the killer while the perk is on cooldown. Run AWAY from the killer in a straight line, and do not look behind. (Step 5)The perk should proc, regardless of the distance of the killer. I've had this perk proc even as the killer aura faded away (meaning he was further than what was likely 25+m behind me, while I was looking straight away and running away from. To be honest, there are SEVERAL issues with the perk. sometimes it wouldn't proc no matter how I swinged my screen at a killer that was directly in front of me, walls or whatnot did not seem to have an effect on the whether the perk functioned or not. I'm certain that within 1 hour of testing various scenarios you'd find have 5 different issues.
  • Spies from the Shadows [Survivors on hooks can trigger warning crows] - I'm not actually 100% sure if this is a bug, but it felt unintended. (Step 2) Select any Killer (Tested with Myers, Plague, Trapper, Huntress and Nurse). (Step 3) Equip Spies from the Shadows. (Step 4) Hook a survivor. (Step 5) Wait besides him (within range of Spies from Shadow's effect. A survivor struggling on the hook (both during Phase 1 and 2 of the entity) will trigger a crow warning if a crow lands nearby.
  • Save the Best for Last [Can gain 1 more token even after obsession's death] - (Step 2) Select Myers (Might work with other killers, but I've only ever played this perk on Myers, so I didn't get to test). (Step 3) Equip Save Best for Last. (Step 4 - I'm unsure what actually triggered it, so I'll repeat what I can remember as closely as possible. In case it's important, I was running Scratched Mirror, Boyfriend's memo, Ruin, Thrill of the hunt and beast of prey at the same time. The map was Myer's Map (Haddonfield I think is the name)) Go up to 7 token on the perk. Ideally, at this point, have the "Obsession" already ready for 3rd hook (meaning the next hook will kill him, and I also had 2-3 other hooks done from other survivors (not sure it matters). At that point, I hit the obsession (losing 2 tokens, making my total at this point 5) hooked down the Obsession, his death was 100% completed, and roughly 1 minute later when I finally found someone, I hit him (he was already wounded, if that matters), and I gained a token (reaching 6). I couldn't get any more token after that, but I'm still assuming this isn't intended.
  • I've noticed other issues with some other perks, but nothing I've tested enough or can re-create consistently to post yet.

Compendium Challenges (I've seen some topics that are either 10 months+ outdated/ or simply have had no definite answer that are partially related to some of those, but considering how they were either lacking data or closure, I can't be sure if the issues got fixed and simply resurfaced, so I figured I might as well post what I've got here too.): The issue here is that these challenges cannot no longer be completed, or at the very least not reliably. I'm aware that some people have completed them, and I'm not saying they have always been broken, I'm saying they are right now.

  • Tome VIII (8), Level 4 - The Beast Awakens. (Step 2) Select any Killer (Tested on Huntress, Myers, Ghost Face and Trapper). (Step 3) Equip Beast of Prey. (Step 4) Hit survivors with your weapon 6+ times. (Step 5) Complete the game. The challenge will not register. For this one in particular, I first tried to do it with Huntress, and always waited until I could see the Black shadowy outline on the side (and the bloodlust buff) before striking. I got 10+ hits, never registered. I figured it might be a bug on the conditions and that maybe I wasn't waiting long enough before attacking a survivor after gaining the buff, so after some online browsing, I tried to replicate how other players seemed to have had more success, which included securing better ways to remain permanently undetectable. I tried Ghost Face (hitting people while using ability), and I tried Myers with scratched mirror (remaining level 1 and this undetectable). I've killer 4 survivors on 3 separate games with the perk equipped with no success.
  • Tome VII (7), Level 1 - Devotion to the Unseen. This is the exact same issue as the previous one, and I've done the exact same tests (save that I played Plague instead of Huntress, and that I did first try to get the challenge by only using dark devotion (and I can guarantee that I sucessfully hit 3 survivors (in fact way more than 3 per game) with my weapon while undetectable from the Dark Devotion effect), and then tested with other characters in the same way as for the previous issue. To no avail, the challenge never registered.
  • Tome VI (6), Level 4 - That's Rude. I'm aware that this particular challenge has already posed problems to many people, and while a lot of people have claimed it, I don't think it's currently possible to make it work. I've seen posts saying that they succeeded a while back, but I'm suspecting that this is linked to the fact that the Premonition perk simply doesn't work right now. I've tried every single combination of event (sometimes with active, idle/afk and quirky killers, providing me ample sampling) of pointing at the killer (twice in the required span, beginning before the perk comes back up and having the animations finishes as it procs, or poiting roughly 1 second after or immediately as it procs). I've tried every method I could find on youtube videos or forum posts and managed to re-create all scenarios at least 2-3 times each. This challenge simply does not want to register.
  • Tome VI (6), Level 1 - Crow Food. (Step 2) Select any Killer (Tested on Deathslinger, Nurse, Myers, Oni, Plague, Trapper, Wraith and frankly probably a bunch more, I'm a fan of the perk. (Step 3) Equip Spies from Shadows. (Step 4) Wait for crow startles, and begin chases. (Step 5) Challenge does not register. As stated previously, I'm actually quite the fan of Spies from Shadows, survivors tend to scare the birdies away without concern. And I actually at some point had this challenge locked in for almost 3 days (and I am one of those nerds that plays way too much), and it NEVER registered. I understand that 10 seconds can be quite short, but I can guarantee that it has happened multiple times, I even tried forcing it in various ways (Here's 3 sample test I already did: Test 1 - Teleporting with nurse and hitting before the 5 second cooldown is even over on the perk (guaranteeing the 10 second is clutched), repeat until all survivors are dead. Test 2: Teleporting with nurse and hitting as soon as cooldown is refreshed (thus placing me around 6-7 seconds), repeat until all survivors are dead. Test 3: Teleport with nurse but do not attack, this way you start a chase (music triggers) but you don't actually complete it by hitting someone), then chase survivor until you get a hit (in case that matters)). Needless to say I've tested this above and beyond and not with nurse (I almost never play her, I mostly played her to try and get this challenge to register). But it does not register.
  • Tome VI (6), Level 4 - Sprint & Slash (Step 2) Select Oni. (Step 3) Acquire Blood by slashing puny survivors. (Step 4) Charge throughout the map, with a timer if needed to count the 10 seconds. (Step 5) Smack a foolish survivor. I don't have as big a sample of tries and fails as with all the other issues above, but after not getting 2-3 times, I figured something might be wrong, so I set a timer next to me and I've went well over 14+ seconds of sprinting (running around, not getting stuck in a wall. Although I did sometime "slide along objects briefly", such as rocks) and I've smacked puny survivors, but the Oni's spirit seems disatisfied and I'm not getting my challenge registered.

Side Issue: This is actually the 2nd time I'm posting this, I did so earlier, but attempted to edit a little something in my title for clarity, and since then my post seems to have crashed / won't work (luckily I have saved my entire post to clipboard). Here's the forum link for the previous post that no longer works.

I started noticing all these issues a while back and only this morning did I decide to start posting them, seeing as maybe you weren't aware of them. I wasn't aware of how your team works but I did expect logs of some kind. For now I've tried to include a log where I've definitely sprinted for more than 10 seconds and hit somebody at least twice (for the Sprint and Slash). But my .log file is 125,129 kb, and when I attempted to attach it to the post, it said the file was bigger than the limit permitted (50 mb). I'm fully willing to incorporate more logs for any issues on request if they are necessary.

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