Multiple keybinds? Killer specific keybinds?

Being able to bind one command to multiple keys is the first and most important way to make a game more accessible. DBD currently restricts all commands to a single keybind.
- Are there any plans on implementing multiple keybinds in the future?
- Are there any plans on allowing Killer-specific keybinds/controls that override the default?
- Are there any plans to allow players to split certain commands that govern multiple concepts into their individual components?
For example, vaulting, dropping pallets, entering lockers, and skillchecks, all ride on the same command. Healing others, self healing, unhooking, gen repair, doing totems, etc are also all bound to a single button. I know controllers may be limited in this regard, but most controllers have more than enough buttons for all the commands DBD requires.
Also, since the majority of commands are context specific, many can easily share a single hotkey should one wish to bind multiple of these sub-commands to the same key.
I'm just curious if anything like this is in the pipeline, or even up for consideration.
I wish, but the devs never get around to doing anything in a timely manner so I wouldn't expect this for the next 3-4 years.