Nerf ruin...

Original thread posted and im not sure how to delete this one so I'm just editing it all out.
Me with a heavy proxy playstyle, knowing I damn well can force trades till all of them are dead because of the 12 minute minimum matchtime and it taking 2 minutes for someone to die from a fresh hook.
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It's a tricky one.
I do sympathize - it's never nice to get stomped (and honestly it's not all that much more fun to be the stomper). Fortunately MMR has resulted in significantly more even-handed matches, where I'll at least get a 2k without having to sweat my change purse off in about 2/3 of my games.
The meta is...unfortunately what it is.
Looping is mostly dead outside of crazy safe pallets or pseudo-infinites like the various Houses of Pain. Now it's predrop pallet and hold W until the next vault/pallet or hide and do all the gens as fast as you can.
I do think that both killers and survivors should get more BP baseline on games where they tried hard but got rolled. Survivors honestly have the sticky end on this one.
That said, a few tricks I've found to farm BP rapidly:
- Find one killer and master them. Preferably a good BP earner - Nemesis, Doctor, Hag and Cenobite are excellent for this. Avoid Plague, Myers, Ghostface and Pig if you value BP gains. I also find Wraith, Nurse and Bubba to be mediocre earners.
- Always run BBQ.
- Don't be afraid to slug. Sometimes the hook is less important than the pressure you get from having a slug and a chase.
- Ditto to proxy camping. Don't facecamp, but always have an eye out for incoming survivors and don't be afraid to patrol back.
- Sometimes you'll earn more BP by easing up when you are stomping than going for a hard 4k early. Even if one or two get away, you'll wind up with 30-35k before BBQ.
- Always bring offerings when you can. These help so much when it comes to offsetting losses.
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What would happen if they made the hook timer much longer though, would it be worth proxying if the first stage alone took 2 minutes? Ideally I think if the first survivor is camped to death, after they die the timer is reduced and most likely reduced enough for the remaining survivors to all leave.
I didn't take into consideration people who just enjoy the camping play style and only assumed most would enjoy chases like me, so should be interesting to see what other opinions I get on this.
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I think what you'd see is people getting frustrated because they spent the majority of the game on the hook because it was better for their allies to just slam out gens.
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I got the same vibe. Not really from the perspective of the hooked, but the genners.
If every hookstage took 2 minutes, their is no reason to get off your gen to get them off hook. If gens take 80 seconds solo, and a survivor takes 120 seconds to get to 2nd stage, people will be slamming them gens... Because there is no pressure to get them off hook... Except if there is a catch to doing gens while someone is on hook...:
Every single gen that is done while a survivor is on hook takes a certain amount of time away from that survivor. Let's say every hookstage takes 2 minutes. Every gen done while a survivor is hooked takes away 30 seconds of that time.
With 3 gens done, this would effectively put the hooked survivor on 2nd hookstage instantly, depending on how much time the survivors took to complete those gens.
This effect will not happen if the killer is within a set distance of the hook, to combat face-camping.
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Okay, then they go second stage and better hope they ran DS. Because those gens are getting done, cuh.