[Nurse] Base-Kit Plaid-Flannel?
Now, I understand that Nurse is, and has been the best killer since their inclusion in DbD. They get to ignore pallets, windows, and even the boundaries between floors. They probably have the highest Skill-Ceiling in the game currently. But accompanied by that, they also have the highest Skill-Floor.
They require an acute understanding of how far the teleport goes after a certain amount of time, what angles will get them to travel up or down a floor, and the general geometry of the map itself, since if your teleport ends in an object, you'll go 2 feet in front of you, with no visual indicator that you're messing it up.
She by no means needs this, but it'd be a nice quality-of-life change that could bring more players to trying her out. It'll help them understand what they're doing right, or what they need to improve on. She's already so punishing to new players because of her Base-speed, Large Terror-Radius, and the fact she relies only on M1's to down Survivors, so why make it any harder?
This would likely have to be accompanied with a nerf, and a rework to the add-on. Inverting it's effect could be nice, removing the reticle and giving a bonus to Bloodpoints for those who have truly mastered Nurse's blink.