[IDEA] Dead by Daylight Battle Royale


Hey y'all.

Since release Dead by Daylight still doesn't have a new game mode. The current games meta is.. kinda very frustrating for killers aswell as for survivors. Having a new game mode like this would not only bring variety of gameplay here also people could efficiently improve at their level of play.

But what if...

... we get a new game mode?


Its simple. Lets get a new map balanced around for this or use existing ones.

Like other games, get a good amount of survivors in a match. I would say 30 to 40 survivors in a match is alright.

If the killer downs someone, the player is eliminated for this match.

The survivors objective is to survive the longest. There iss also a circle around the map that gets smaller every 45 to 60 seconds.

The killers objective is to down them and make them compete eachother.

Everyone can use any perk they want with some exceptions. Survivors should not be able to heal or use any items like flashlights etc.

Killers should not be able to use any camp / chase perks (you can still use aura reading perks for example).

Rewards for killers or survivor placed can be discussed here. I have idea on it at the moment. Maybe double the chase category to 200% earning speed and 16k points in total and in example the first one gets 15k+ extra, second one 10k extra, third one 7,5k extra.

Killer 16k chase category + (10k for playing till the end)

It would not only be very fun to have so many survivors in a match competing each other, it would also be a great idea for less stressing games for both sides. You can practise your gameplay with this idea without having to have stressful games when it comes to the real ranked games.

Please, lets make this happen. Tell us your improvements on this idea, I think with this great community we can achieve so many things.


  • IWFreak
    IWFreak Member Posts: 252

    Take my opinion with a grain of salt, since I am biased against Battle Royale games...

    I don't think DBD needs a second game mode, right now. The game mode it has now I'd still unbalanced and inconsistent...

    Although I can understand the appeal of something different. I don't think a BR game mode is the way to go...

    As for the stale meta... I don't run the meta myself, mostly... Since I also think it is stale. With meta, I mean gen slowdown stacked... I mostly just run perks that compliment the killer well, mostly in chase and tracking. Also just trying things out, see what I like and what works.

  • WTBacon
    WTBacon Member Posts: 593

    They tried to create an addon that gave Nemesis +1 zombie, but their game runs so poorly that this wasn't possible.