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Trying to solve camping and tunneling/ "game being surv sided"



  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Neither is Tapp but we won't mention the forgettable Survivors

  • I went into more detail in my previous post, but it's because you can't just attack the issue from one side.

    You can't only discourage and punish tunneling/camping, barring toxicity, most people do it because it's the most ruthlessly efficient way to apply pressure to the entire team.

    You need to reward, encourage, and incentivize killers to do something else. Gen speeds is one thing, but something akin to how Devour Hope gives you a reward if you are far enough away from the hook when the rescue occurs? That concept in and of itself is a very good idea. You could add something to the base kit that acts in much the same way.

    You might be interested in my previous post that outlines what I think are the 3 main reasons for tunneling/camping.

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 542

    Here is the issue you don't address in this post. Camping and tunnelling killers are easy to beat (Do generators) but if the killer decides to just tunnel you out of the match that's it you're dead, and no DS, BT ect will change this. This strategy both screws over the survivor on the hook as they die, and the 3 that survive receive no points. This also happens to be the most effective way to play the match as tunnelling a player out allows for less survivors doing the objective. your post does not fix this at all. Face camping may be the worst of it but tunnelling is not much better, proxy camping may allow for a small window to get a save but it's still unlikely.

    I have said this before but the radius timer idea has been proposed years ago, tested and failed due to survivors abusing it. Also how would it work on indoor maps, it wouldn't. (but make it so you have to be on the same level) then this would allow for work arounds and the mechanic could be easily abused. example camping on top of the stairs of basement is not really any different then camping in basement itself.

    Solution: I don't have one. Unfortunately most the community has pushed for a more competitive form of DBD and this is the result, meta every match and really unfun playstyles.

  • Terramortius
    Terramortius Member Posts: 115

    "laughs in 2 Survivors being at the hook, which happens a lot when camping"

    "If 2 Survivors come for the rescue, and we use your 15 Meter Radius, the Killer can either chase 1 Survivor and lose the hook, or remain in the Radius, making it go slower, allowing for more time on gens."

    First of all, you read your own lines. Your english is trash. Laughs AT 2 survivors being at the hook. Just compare the 2 lines YOU TYPED, NOT ME. Your trash english isn't my fault.

    Second, yes this is a game, but you fail to see that everything including a game will have problems, which you need real life analogies to create a right attitude to fix those problems but clearly you're too much of a self entitled kid to understand.

    Lastly to give one final counter argument to your point, so? If the killer chases another person other than the one that just got unhooked, tunneling has been solved, which is half my agenda for the killer's side. If he camps, the timer slows and it only allows him to camp one person per game. With the current survivor behavior where they try hard to rescue even though they know the killer is camping, gens don't get fixed and the killer just camps till the hooked is dead and chases the rescuer. On average, at least 2 people get killed, sometimes even 3 and the occasional 4 for hard camping killers. With my solution it only allows time for the killer to camp 1, let 3 escape. Which is part of solving the other agenda, stop killers from camping. Which means if you want 3 or 4 kills, you don't just camp. You work for it and everyone has their fun.


    No amount of logic can ever appeal to a kid like you and I wasted my time even thinking there was even a tinge of logic in you, I now clearly see you want the last word and can never make sense, so you got it. I'm sorry, I was wrong about every point I made and you are so correct about everything you have ever said in life. I should have understood you better and paid more attention to your feelings. Make your last comment so you have the last word, I will no longer be replying to you.

  • Terramortius
    Terramortius Member Posts: 115

    I understand your point but I think I need to be more clear where I am going with all of my ideas. I am more for making the whole game enjoyable to both sides.

    Yes, to counter camping, fix gens, but you never know a killer is camping until your progress is massively crippled by camping together with him and waiting for a safe chance to rescue so that's out of the question. You say it's easy but you haven't been in my server and seen how toxic people are. If it's a bubba looking at the hook, would it still be easy? If it's a perma tier 3 myers looking at the hook, would it be easy?

    Sometimes when ideas don't work, you need to find out why it didn't work and find out which part works as well. That's the way to fine tune ideas. Of course I know no idea or solution can please everyone so the next best thing is to keep a best fit solution, in the middle ground of 2 arguing parties. For this game, the issue we have is a lack of fun because we cannot do anything when killers camp us and killers have little counter play against people who abuse DS or whatever perk.

    That's the whole reason I propose my changes, I hope you can see where I come from.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    OK man, never thought I'd see someone with such a big ego but no brain to speak of lmao. Survivors shouldn't get free unhooks whenever they feel like it. That's the point of camping, to secure a kill and to protect a hook. Since you only play Survivor, you don't really understand the thought process of a camping Killer so there's no point in continuing the disscussion. You only want stuff that bothers you nerfed, which, as I've stated a lot when talking to you, is selfish. You're like a worse version of Sluzzy or Hunter_Main. Atleast their posts are funny to read

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 542

    No I'm glad people a proposing new ideas. DBD has gone in a completely different direction to where the devs wanted it to go, an while it has changed, it hasn't changed enough to compensate for the new direction. Please keep suggesting new ideas, its good for the game I just want offer reasons as to why it would or wouldn't work.

    I was a little on unclear when I said "do generators". I meant in a skilful sense its easy. 4 survivors with discord or something can easily get around it. I's not difficult. However I've played solo survivor and have seen first hand what happens when killers camp and how often it is results in multiple kills. Obviously some killers its impossible to get a save if they choose to camp, this needs to be addressed.

    Honestly I think the devs need to stop pumping out content that is clearly unfinished let alone untested and instead spend a year developing new game mechanics for both killers and survivors. The current game design is on too delicate of a balance that does not allows for the drastic change it needs.

  • Terramortius
    Terramortius Member Posts: 115

    That last line about pumping out contents is GOLDEN. I really couldn't agree more.

    Sad thing is, there are too many kids on this forum that don't know how to carry themselves. They say things like "git gud" or "you just suck so you complain here" etc. I'm sure you've seen loads of those. Then they don't read your full post, understand the idea and motives but they proceed to make senseless comments about specific parts they don't like, for example, just a minor bit of nerfs to the killer.

    And they don't provide reasons why and solutions on top of it.

    Even when they suggest something and you tell them you've already tried it, they just go all sour and say things like "Nope this doesn't need a nerf. Don't whine here because you're bad at the game boohoo."

    And that's the whole reason why I think twice before posting any suggestions. Cause of the braindead kids.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Or we could i don't know..... balance maps and perks so going for 12 hooks is actually viable?

  • Terramortius
    Terramortius Member Posts: 115

    That's a viable option but it shouldn't be the only idea. If you want balance, more than just maps have to change.

  • Hunter_Main_322
    Hunter_Main_322 Member Posts: 530
    edited November 2021

    So they are morally weak

    then there will remain camping and tunneling + also the generators cannot be started yes you are a straight genius (sarcasm)

  • Hunter_Main_322
    Hunter_Main_322 Member Posts: 530

    It is necessary to do such a mechanic, if he is chasing the same survivor, then the progress of repairs in the generators increases in% ratio on all generators without further regression

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    We need both. Not everyone will just be kind enough to never tunnel and camp once they are incentivised to play differently. As long as those strategies themselves can still be effective, there will be people that will camp and tunnel, especially those that don't want to accept a loss, even in a fair and balanced game.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    I agree that maybe we'd need both, but a punishment this big is too much

  • Tekno_Badger
    Tekno_Badger Member Posts: 526

    Depends on the reward, but the issue at hand is that tunneling and camping is exponentially more effective than chasing a new survivor. And with all the survivor perks in the game to counter this, I really think survs just ought to learn better counters. There's a reason kinship gets banned in comp and survs can't run a bunch of BTs and DSes. The optimal use of those perks destroys killers.

    In pubs, I couldn't even begin to count the number of times a survivor has been saved in my face immediately after hooking them, the surv has body blocked me with BT, then called me a POS when I waited out the BT and just hooked them again. It's terrible play from survs yet many of them all but expect you to bow down and allow it.

    That being said, facecamping someone just because you're salty that they looped you is an issue as well. You could perhaps slow hook timers by 10% if the killer is within 8m and not in chase

  • Terramortius
    Terramortius Member Posts: 115

    Hold up.. You calling me morally weak or the killers morally weak, I'm confused.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited November 2021

    People should really start to think when using "Toxic".

    It's kinda lost meaning at this point.

    It's not toxic by default, reason matters a lot.

    I see survivors ######### up and didn't go for save in time, I can stay there to get free second stage -> not toxic, actually smart play to punish a mistake.

    I see survivor using Gay charm and I tunnel him just for it (never done it) -> Yeah, that would be toxic.

    I teabag killers after every stun for fun -> yeah toxic

    I teabag killer when he is ingoring me and focusing weak link -> not toxic imo, just trying to get an attention to save teammate

    It always depends on reason. It's not toxic just because you don't like it.

  • Terramortius
    Terramortius Member Posts: 115

    It's a loosely used term but I have the exact same idea as you. I think the part about going back to hook to guarantee hook stage 2 is perfectly ok, in fact, it should be encouraged to punish a mistake but camping from the start is just wrong because it eats someone's fun when no one made a mistake yet and there's barely any viable counter play to salvage that situation. As for the teabagging to take attention off teammates, I agree too, not toxic. I only ever teabag when killers are toxic/tunneling my teammates and I need to take heat off them.

  • Hunter_Main_322
    Hunter_Main_322 Member Posts: 530

    Assassins of course

    Only young children are camping and can be considered complete noobs in the game

  • Terramortius
    Terramortius Member Posts: 115
    edited November 2021

    Someone actually used your post to call me morally weak LOL. but whatever, he's a kid that needs to feel that he's right and I'm not going to argue with him anymore.

    But yes, camping is a bad strat and it eats fun one of someone's game so I hate it.

    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    I agree that in normal situation camping from first hook is hard to deal with, with some luck even tournament level players have hard time to deal with.

    Even I had done it sometimes, when I see survivors use nuclear option, I just have no reason to deal with it normally, that's just too much stress and frustration, so I will just play that game the simplest way possible, camp the first guy and see if they can handle it.

    Both sides can do super broken stuff that make this game unfun and you just can't remove that only from one side. That's the main problem imo.

  • Terramortius
    Terramortius Member Posts: 115

    I feel you, that's the hard part to solve a really big problem so I think steps like my suggestion is somewhat necessary. Then after testing, fine tune. rinse and repeat etc. I don't think I was being too unfair in my suggestion.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    I didn't call you morally weak. I wrote "morally weak" as I don't agree you're morally weak, just that you you're making suggestions for topics you don't understand

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,280

    Can we then also add that survivors that stay at the exit gates waiting for the killer to T-bag are instantly killed by the entity since they didnt take their chances of an escape? How about everytime survivor flashlight clicks or T-bags in the game they are hit with oblivious status? or something? hmm?

    Camping and Tunneling is a tactic and some nowdays use it because killers dont have time to be nice to you guys. Let's be honest here..most of you survivors aint that nice to us eather.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Surely, just punishing camping and tunneling without addressing the biggest problem killers have would probably make survivor queue times sky rocket. As far as I know, the average survivor queue time is already increasing.

    But I do think a system where the hook progress stops or at least slows down considerably would work with enough additional conditions. However, again, something like that could probably only be added if the fast objective time for survivors was addressed as well.

    Perhaps there could also be some form of additional objective added that requires interaction from both sides. Meaning this additional objective only adds a noticeable amount of time to survivors objective if the killer interacts with it as well, which would mean the killer couldn't camp. If the devs then just further increase the time of hook stages, and help survivors not have such a disadvantage once one survivor is dead, the game would probably be good to go as well.

  • Terramortius
    Terramortius Member Posts: 115

    Honestly, that staying at exit to teabag thing should be implemented. I know there are so many toxic little sheets out there, I don't like them either. There should be some form of punishment for BM.

    I won't deny that camping and tunneling is a tactic but if it's done in a way that destroys anyone's fun then to me, there isn't any other way to see it. It's just wrong. I'm just hoping that bit by bit, we can fix all this BM and unfair parts of the game and yes, I do mean that in the context of survivors having that edge over the killer in general as well, not just balancing killers.

  • Terramortius
    Terramortius Member Posts: 115

    yknow what? After giving it some thought, I do think the objective timers need to increase as well. I'm going to post something new.

    Also, did you see my idea on the totems?

  • LeonxJiwoon
    LeonxJiwoon Member Posts: 455
    edited November 2021

    Survivors = if a killer is face camping someone as last gen is pop and have no intention to move rather than pretending like your going to try for the save but too scared to do anything , just go through the freaking exit because its really very upsetting, you apparently too scared so why even bother just let me or whatever die or bring borrow time so that the person can body block for you so you dont get hit (ofc I cant even expect this of randumb queue(swf this is never an issue and easily solved via communication)

    Killers= staring at someone face who you never hook all round until they die , pathetic and if your that crazy for 1k points because you got 4 / 5 gen looped should change it where a survivor is transported to a different hook by entity to stop this face camping, that is so so scrummy. You de pip for it get like no lil to no points, is it really that worth it?

    Post edited by LeonxJiwoon on
  • Terramortius
    Terramortius Member Posts: 115

    I don't know about your servers but the part about the killers that you mentioned, it does happen a lot to us. They just hook and stare at us.

    For the part you said about the survivors, I have no problem if a killer wants to camp AFTER the last gen pops because what else is he supposed to do right? PLUS my issue with camping is KILLING THE SURVIVOR'S FUN. If the game lasted till the gates are powered, I'm more than sure you had your fun running and fixing gens, so to me, at that stage, camping is fine. BUT NOT AT THE START OR MIDDLE OF THE GAME.

    Hope you see where I'm coming from here.

  • Hunter_Main_322
    Hunter_Main_322 Member Posts: 530

    At the moment, killers only tunnel and camp because they cannot think and have reached the stage of animals

    If the gates are open and all the generators are repaired and he hooked the last survivor near the hook, then I can understand him

    But at the moment they are standing near the hook from the start of the game.

    And even if you save a survivor, he will start tunneling

    If you write about the fact that you can fix the generators, then I will say that you will not have time and he will have superiority