Rare Member Posts: 37

My name is Rare and I'm a Jake Park main.
I made this thread to let you know my wish about some clothing from the artbook.

Okay, so... I have put a square/rectangle over the clothing that I WOULD LOVE to see in-game. Some of them are REALLY good like the jacket at the top right (from A to E) and the white basic jacket (it looks so cool!)

It's a wish after all, isn't it?
I hope someday this clothing gets in-game.

Thank you for reading.

(Sorry If something is not explained right, English isn't my first language)


  • Butters_Stotch
    Butters_Stotch Member Posts: 0

    In the 1st frame, bottom row, far left, it reminds me of a paratrooper outfit. I like it.

    And got me to thinking, I'd love to see some sort of military outfit for Jake. Like a Korean Officer or something... with the leather jacket and hat. It'd also be a good "Russian" looking outfit for David (David just seems Russian to me regardless if he's English, maybe he was a Cold War Spy).

    Example: http://fr.jamesbond.wikia.com/wiki/Gustav_Graves