Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Stop creating archives challenges for stuns/blinds or reduce the amount needed

I'm sitting here game after game struggling to get stuns and/or blinds in every way possible when it's just game after game of Nurses, Huntresses, Pinheads, Tricksters, Twins, etc.; it's to the point where over half the killers in the game treat loops/pallets/etc. as a joke. This means that you've essentially got to park yourself in the middle of a pallet and wait for a killer to try and hit you before you drop it in hopes that it'll actually hit and they get hit validated, and that's just if you're lucky enough to get one of the non-ranged killers. And even it's a melee killer, you've got to run directly at them at the start of the game so you can get chased to even predrop pallets for flashlighting before your teammates start dropping them like their lives depend on it. Or even the Freddy that decided to test if the Devs added a secret tier 4 of bloodlust after 3 minutes of chasing me around the same safe pallet instead of breaking it so I could go for a flashlight blind. The list goes on and on and this doesn't even get to the challenges for 3 stuns in a single game, which requires the most potato tier of killers slamming themselves facefirst into a pallet like hit validation never was implemented.

Please either reduce the amount of grind for these or just remove them, as it's a total drag to get them compared to some of the other more inventive challenges out there or even a simple "do gens" challenge that doesn't require such an effort.

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  • Member Posts: 236

    Also, no more huntress challenges! I can't aim for ######### and I hate playing her.

  • Member Posts: 522

    At least that's only one tome that should happen every few years at most. Stun/blind challenges are every tome and it drives me to madness.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    Total agree. Getting pallet stuns (and pallet blinds, because that's the only way to get a blind that the killer usually won't fight to prevent) relies on the individual killer's behavior. If the killer respects pallets, or learns from their mistakes after you get them once, you won't be able to stun them easily, which means getting the challenge forces you to camp pallets and eat hits for the sake of the rift. And being stupid to get a challenge, while being unwanted gameplay, is nothing new. I'm sure my teammates don't appreciate it, but it is what it is.

    The problem? Too many killers won't even give you that. So many times I have to give up on the challenge as soon as I discover who I'm playing against; Huntress, Deathslinger, Trickster, Pyramid Head, Nemesis, Twins, Plague. Soon to be the Artist as well. Pallet camping is dumb for other reasons against Myers and Ghostface, but it's at least easier to stun them in chase because they'll sometimes try to hit through the pallet instead of pull back and M2. Bubba and Billy are similar; you can stun them in chase, Billy moreso, but pallet camping either of them will just kill you dead and you can't pallet-blind either of them because they break pallets too quickly. You can pretty much only camp pallets against Nurse when it comes to using them and it's something that'll cost you the match - certainly she won't kick the pallet afterwards. And the angle to blind Hag at a pallet is stupidly hard due to the unique breaking animation she uses.

    This issue has compounded in recent years. More ranged killers continue to get added and it increases the chance that you can't work on these challenges at all, because continually pallet stunning and pallet blinding killers that can play around them is extremely difficult if they know what they're doing. Survivor challenges are either by design or by accident way finickier to get than killer ones, but there's a reason we don't have any survivor challenges that ask you to play against a specific killer. Multiple stuns and blinds, though - that's fairly close to it. "Play against an eligible killer and then hope their individual playstyle involves being aggressive at loops and immediately breaking pallets."

    I can grudgingly deal with "get 10 stuns", but "get 4 stuns in one game" is painful, especially when it specifies pallet stuns and you can't sneak any in there with Blast Mine or Head On. And thank god Blast Mine covers blinds as well, because flashlights are even worse; I have to waste an item on the chance the killer will let me get away with it more than once and isn't one of the killers that can laugh and throw a hatchet in my face while I'm trying.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited November 2021

    Just use Blast Mine, and for stuns, DS and Head On as well.

    At highest level of play, you get Ruin Pop combo, so cleanse Ruin and they will have to kick the gen. At lower levels killers just kick gens as they feel like it, usually more often than not.

  • Member Posts: 522

    For some reason they never wanted to kick any gen I had a blast mine on until the final game vs. a kick happy trickster where I got two. Everyone else either went for the chase on me or downed me and went "lol, who kicks gens" and walked away after hooking me.

  • Member Posts: 530

    It is necessary to make it so that the flashlight could blind the body after spending 3 seconds

    in the eyes 1 second as usual

    Don't yell guys at the flashlight for only 8 seconds so there's nothing to be afraid of

  • Member Posts: 522

    Back to hating on this because there's a 12 stun challenge now and every goddamn game is nurse and the only easy way to get stuns is using DS because they're all camping tunnelers as well.

  • Member Posts: 100

    I just run Head On & DS for stuns. You can kind of force a stun with both perks.

    I definitely agree though, especially since too many killers hard respect pallets.

    It's either get a pallet respecting killer or get the bad luck to get a huntress during a pallet stun challenge.

  • Member Posts: 522

    I am once again asking you to stop making these challenges, especially with the "get 3 stuns in a single game" challenge showing up again. Everyone either respects pallets or it's just a train of killers that ignore them or with instadowns. I even run blast mine, but no one wants to kick gens since the overcharge/call of brine nerfs.

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