Survivor passives

I already know why passives haven't been implemented yet bc of balancing, but I had spare time to write this and I've had most of these ideas in my head for a while now. This is for fun-sies. (Don't take this too seriously please)
The passives are inspired by either their personality OR some form of interaction with their perk(s) that could go well together. For instance, Jane's passive could work with her Head On whereas, Nea's passive just overlaps with her Streetwise (can stack).
Dwight - Leadership prowess:
- Survivor auras are revealed to you within 8 meters
Meg - Athletic body:
- Movement speed increased by 1%
Claudette - Botanical assistance:
- Healing speed increased by 9%
Jake - Woodland technique:
- Sabotaging speed increased by 9%
Nea - Street smarts:
- Item efficiency increased by 10%
Laurie - Bold survivor:
- Killer stuns are increased by 1 second
Ace - Lady luck:
- Personal luck is increased by 10%
Bill - Veteran unity:
- Unhooking speed increased by 9%
Feng - Gaming precision:
- Skill-check zones increased by 10%
David - Tough guy:
- Grunts of pain reduced by 25%
Quintin - Pharmaceutical looting:
- Chests and medkit auras are revealed to you within 8 meters
Tapp - Investigative skills:
- Cleansing speed increased by 9%
Kate - Fiesty battler:
- Wiggle speed increased by 9%
Adam - Hopeful mentor:
- Healing skill-check chances increased by 10%
Jeff - Amen (Steel nerves):
- When hooked, instantly ascend into heaven (Last 5% longer on a hook, both stages)
Jane - Creative determination:
- Locker auras revealed within 8 meters
Ash - Groovy!:
- Leave no scratch marks and blood for 3 seconds after taking a protection hit
Nancy - Anorexic advantage:
- Slow vault in/out of a locker 20% faster
Steve - Protective mindset:
- Protection hits grant you a 3-second speed boost instead of 2
Yui - Vroom Vroom:
- Movement speed increased by 3% while 8 meters away from a carried survivor
Zarina - Manipulative news:
- Loud noise notifications caused by you are delayed by 2 seconds
Cheryl - Cursed soul:
- While cursed, recovery speed increased by 9%
Felix - Architectural awareness:
- Window vaults are revealed to you within 8 meters
Elodie - Escape artist:
- Leave no scratch marks for 2 seconds whenever you drop a pallet
Yun-Jin - Solitary motivation:
- All action speeds increased by 3% when no other survivors or killers are within 8 meters
Jill - I'm back!:
- Other survivors unhook you 9% faster
Leon - Infestation ready:
- Leave no blood pools WHILE healing yourself or being healed
Mikaela: Mystical background:
- Boon totems blessed by you have an extended range of 2 meters.
Jonah: Calculated improvement:
- Great skill-checks grant 1% more progress
Yeah ummm hate to say most of those would actually break the game. Its already hard enough for Killers and those passives would make it impossible with Boons and Metas.
Neat idea but no thank you.
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I really DO NOT WANT passives, I wanna play characters cause of the way they look. I don't want to play a certain survivor for an advantage.. plus you would see less variety in survivors.
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I would rather not give survivor's passive abilities because each survivor is just supposed to differ cosmetically.
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Some of these Survivors have a Built In Perk,others have great,while others have Trash
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this has been something people have thought about already, and honestly I'm down, thing is the bonuses need to be looked at REALLY carefully, because make some stronger than others and you make some Survivors stronger than others, while this is inevitable there shouldn't be an obvious choice, the difference in their strength needs to be VERY small
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Yeah, I already understand why this concept hasn't been implemented yet. Just wished the balancing of the game didn't make it an issue.
It's somewhat difficult to add an original passive for survivors while trying to keep it balanced. I just figured some would be better off with a passive version of their perk since it would improve their "intended gameplay".
Thank you :)
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I agree. I've always wanted the survivors (as in character) to have more significance.
I tried making my ideas as limited as possible and baring some similarities to their already existing perks or lore.
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I like it that all survivors have the same base stats. Giving them passives will create so many unbalances.
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The intrinsic problem is that some of these are way better than others. Are you going to take 1% bonus movement speed or 20% slow vaulting locker speed? Extra great skill check progress or 8m of locker auras? An extra second of stun or 10% wider skill checks? There's just no contest and we have too many survivors to come up with enough viable ideas; some are guaranteed to be superior. The result is that some survivors become worse than others and now all lobbies are full of Megs and Lauries instead of whoever your favorite character is.
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Those look good on paper but in practice it might be horrible (positive or negative)
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Oh yes, I 100% agree.
This was to present some ideas if passives were to be part of the game. I wish the survivor role had more flavor to work with as the current survivor gameplay is getting somewhat stale.
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I really don't want to see less variation in survivors than we already get with killers.
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I appreciate you going over the list though. I really do :)
Fair point. Hopefully, the game receives something new & fresh that isn't just a chapter. I'd like to see the game have some new interesting mechanics.
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Survivor specific passives have never been implemented because survivors are just skins.
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Anorexic Advantage, my dude over here really tried made a life threatening struggle a passive advantage.
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I was about to say the same thing.
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If I remember correctly they said that they would implement small different advantages for each survivor (like a year ago)
this would be cool!
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I would like to see it as well or anything to make survivors individually more interesting.
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I actually laughed out loud when I saw that. Not at the mention of anorexia, of course--just that they think that of Nancy. Her look is based off the fact that she's a young teenager, so of course she's smaller than other female Survivors (who are mostly grown adults)... 😂
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Survivor passives don't work because while in theory it creates differences between survivors all its gonna do in dbd is anger a lot of people who invested all of their time into only one survivor and now have to level up another meta survivor or two, and make some survivors meta increasing all stuns (head on, blast mine, pallets, flashlight saves, wiggles, ds) by 1 second is ridiculously far and away the best effect here with the only close second being extra movement speed, and giving that to survivors for free is also a huge problem survivors already have plenty to work with it just throws off the balance of the game and also forces the devs to counter balance creating a massive workload on top of creating and balancing the new passive effects, its just too far down the pipeline to feasibly create and much too late to see it made at the strengths and effects you have suggested
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You say the game is too hard for killer, implying it's easy for soloQ survivors?
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######### no.
I really never would want to see this in any way. You really don't want to have survivor character meta...
You would actually have to remove option to stack same survivors for this.
It's already bad that you have different size and volume for each survivor, but I just want to play character I like by visual
They should never try to make this a thing...
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Oh right, because that would buff only soloQ survivors, right?
This definetly wouldn't create character meta with SWF stacking same survivors, which is super annoying already.
Some of those would be quite broken. SWF with 4x Meg... enjoy
4x Laurie with Head on build, yeah sounds fun... Those pallets would feel sooo good for a killer too
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We dont need meta survivors, I want to play characters I like not those who have better passive
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Peronsally this idea if properly balanced would make more sense if it was tied to a offering so as to have a limited use
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This is the best idea and the developers should introduce it as they mentioned or said a year ago
All the killers here immediately began to whine that this would break something NO guys won't break
You are simply afraid to give the survivors any choice.
I would already like to play this game with these passives, see the links with the ability to play with several survivors, diversifying the current games
What do I have now? I don't care who to play for because the choice is pointless
How is one skin different from another? Yes, nothing from this is more boring to play
Assassins have a choice - the same meta of heroes
There are statistics that regulate this
Do you think she won't be here?
And playing as a killer, you can already understand who you are playing against and what to expect
I would also like to play a killer against such interesting survivors
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Not at all I'm just saying in regards to adding passives to the game. I like the idea but the current balance issues would put survivors in a much higher place on the learning scales.
I have been a advocate for buffing soloQs and Killers to make them more balanced against SWF and their coms. I play both killer and soloQ survivor so I know the issues with that. Passives wouldn't help just SoloQ, it would help SWFs too.
Passives are a good idea but if you give passives to survivors then Killers would need to have passives as well. Now besides some tweaks to the numbers OP is on the right track.
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This is actually a really good idea. The only thing is that the same idea of passives would have to apply to killers as well. On top of that the actual stats to most perks would have to be toned down a smidge as not to make them OP when used in conjunction with the similar perk. It’s a huge spice up to the game and I would love to see it! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Also, imagine the stress on a killer having to memorize every dang survivor passive on top of already looking out for what perks are in play in a given trial. It just doesn’t work, leave survivors as skins only.
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Well I think a mini solution to that is to make passives basically unimportant, just like a flavor thing. Like instead of Jake having increased sabo speed his passive is that he has a 25% to not alert a crow/scream. Basically just a mini version of their most unimportant perk that barely affects game play.
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Still, certain survivors would have much stronger and more desirable effects than others. We don’t need a dent on variety.
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The killers already have abilities, and some have more than one, so they have enough
And the survivors need to really diversify with at least some kind of difference and not just skin
This is the interest so that the game would add a variety
In the same Dota as long as you play at least 1 time for each hero, it will take 150 hours
And in our DBD, this is not a problem! it is even easier to learn since there are no more than 50 heroes, despite the fact that the survivors will have only small passives
What to remember them? Are there clowns in this thread?