Things that make NO SENSE in DBD: Volume I

Member Posts: 114
There's a lot of things that don't make any sense in this game from a gameplay perspective. Let's start a little list and discuss them a bit, shall we?
- Survivor disconnects do not count as a "kill" towards the killer, but does count the game as a "loss/death" for the survivor that left the match. This effectively hurts killers who are trying to complete challenges. If a survivor disconnects they're effectively removed from the match, their boon totems are removed, and any tokens related to the disconnected survivor are also removed. All of the conditions of a "kill" are covered here, aside from the game giving the killer a kill for the disconnect. It makes NO SENSE that the game won't award the killer a kill for the disconnected survivor, but they'll give you hook states on the counter for the killed survivor. It makes no sense.
- There is no PING limit on DBD. This means that lag-switching is fair game. In a game where latency is such a major issue, its amazing to me that there's no PING limit on this game. Latency to the server is responsible for virtually every chase mechanic in the match, however, someone can easily set up a lag switch and teleport around the map, avoid damage, etc. I don't know about you all, but even if someone was legimitately experiencing lag, I wouldn't want someone with over 1000 ping on my team. It makes no sense.
- Cheating is currently rampant on DBD. Why is there still a disconnect penalty? BHVR has disabled the DC penalty in the past due to maps crashing players and causing them to experience the DC penalty. However, if a group of cheaters are keeping your game hostage, you are forced to either suffer through it, or DC. If you do DC, then you're matchmaking banned. Until BHVR actually designs some sort of legimitiate way of detecting cheating, there should NOT be a DC penalty. Not when there is such a cheating problem at the moment. It makes no sense.