Confession Thread



  • BigChapAlien21
    BigChapAlien21 Member Posts: 250

    They don't care how I feel, so why should I care about how they feel? :P

    It plays to Conehead's strengths. Hook, cage, then hook again. It's not my fault if I want to play the Killer at his fullest when I know the Survivors aren't going to give me an inch regardless.

  • Thunderfrog
    Thunderfrog Member Posts: 218

    Dear Killer Confessional,

    1. Today as Twins I had a hard time against a SWF, so I tunneled out their weakest player to secure 1 kill. Entity was still displeased.
    2. I used Insidious Deathslinger today to complete a challenge for successful shots.
    3. I pretended to be a friendly killer with Bubba after the SWF knocked out 3 gens by first chase. Then downed three of them with chainsaw ftw.
  • dallasmedicbag
    dallasmedicbag Member Posts: 571

    I feel Trickster is a way better killer than people expect, he's in C tier?! He is a better killer than huntress and those who say he sucks can't aim a machine gun!

  • CheeseAnton
    CheeseAnton Member Posts: 882

    I used to be a toxic survivor. My first chapter bought was Halloween just for Laurie (I think this was when Decisive was actually broken, without the getting unhooked requirement), I T-Bagged so much a Bri*ish person would be worried, my flashlights were only used to click or stun, *starts sobbing* I even main Nea.

    I've been doing my best to repent for these sins by doing everything I can to be a better survivor (I only carry one selfish perk, Dead Hard, I'm committed to the other 3 most often being selfless or team based) and to say "GG" and stuff after games but I still feel I needed to confess since I haven't done so I think.

  • TransverseCaster
    TransverseCaster Member Posts: 543

    That's a lot of discipline. You're filthy rich!


    They're both fitting a similar role and there's nothing wrong with either.

    Some of them care but if you want to have a meme match or just some fun you've got to show it first. No more tunneling! Plenty of fun and happy survivors out there.

    1 is pretty dirty but it's easy to get hungry and pick out the weaklings. At least you recognize this. 2 is just funny and good sense. 3 is also funny but very evil. You must disregard weak players for the next three games or help them improve by faux chasing in order to redeem yourself. Thank you for these good confessions.

    Sinfully wrong!

    I say Trickster is bad because of what you claimed. I can't hit anything with him. If you're a knife sniper then what would you personally rank him?

  • TransverseCaster
    TransverseCaster Member Posts: 543

    You're very overdue but you came to the right place. Forgiven! No penances. It's good you have DH awareness as well- many people DH very inconsiderately and don't think of what they're doing every time they smash the active ability button so recklessly when there are people on the other end. Your "GG"s however are enough to brighten the world back and save your soul.

  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513

    what, Twins are great as long as you aren't camping or tunnelling! :/

    also, victor's precious.

  • lkalin91
    lkalin91 Member Posts: 150

    I caught a baby dweet today in one of badham rooms in houses that had no window, trying to hide, while playing clown

    I repeatedly tossed bottles at him, mostly purple, until my deviousness was full, then procedeed to hook him and continue on as normal

  • clowninabout
    clowninabout Member Posts: 133
    edited November 2021

    I played freddy and a survivor dc'd after the first hit. I went on to dominate the match with devour hope and they only got 1 gen done. After I found the last survivor I was carrying them to the hatch but they wouldn't stop wiggling, so I hooked them.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    If there is more than one Mikaela in my team I bring out my ant-totem build and cleanse them all.

    If I get complaints in the end-game chat I tell them, "I prevented Noed, you're welcome." Even if there wasn't a Noed.

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047
  • PinkCaffiene
    PinkCaffiene Member Posts: 9

    I have a few and some people might hate me for it but im petty when im genuinely ticked off at someone.

    1. I wont take the hit for someone if im on the last hook and they haven't even been hooked yet, regardless if im full health, I will run and leave them behind, you're on your own then because I can't loop well and you stand a better chance than I do. (I also will not stick around and will run rather than heal if the killer is coming right for us. I might take a hit if I didn't get you fully healed and am not on 2nd hook but I expect you to run too to meet up, and heal you elsewhere when we escape the chase.)
    2. I keep a list of names in google docs because If you've been less than pleasant after a round as my teammate (Throwing insults at me for not taking the hit from a killer who sneaks up on us and me not having the time to react Or if you curse me out for #1.) If I get you in another match I won't unhook or heal you, I leave you to die every single time. Don't treat the one whos always healing, unhooking, taking hits and getting you up from being down like disposable shields that you are entitled to.
    3. I'm not always going to take the hit, if you continuously use me as a shield the whole match or never take hits for anyone else especially myself or don't unhook or heal me or others ever, then I will stop taking hits for you and will leave you to die, because you keep leading the killer to me and causing them to stick to me until im downed and hooked or abandon me and quite clearly are not a team player.
    4. If you are a flashlight clicker I either as a survivor leave you to die or as a killer will tunnel, slug and or camp you even if im normally highly against those things, I do this due to the medical problems that flashlight clicking can cause anyone, not just killer but survivor too with epilepsy. Its not funny to me or cool, its not some cute way to troll. Its dangerous and Its a hill I will die on going against especially from a family with a history of epilepsy in the bloodline, with brothers who play with me and friends who play with me who do have epilepsy. Its personal to me and hits close to home.
    5. As a killer if I see you being toxic to your teammates, you will be the only one not leaving the match alive, you'll be leaving on the hook or mori'd
    6. I will wait at the exit gates, not to taunt the killer but in case a teammate needs a save getting out or to thank the killer with a nod, free hit, and my item before leaving if they played fair or gentle with us especially if someone DC'd mid game in a rage quit. It just seems like the right and polite thing to do.
  • Malkhrim
    Malkhrim Member Posts: 963
    edited November 2021

    I've been camping and tunneling mercilessly since MMR was implemented. I even camped basement early on two matches in a row as the Oni.

    Also, one of these nights, I DC'd right at the start of a match because the map was Haddonfield.

  • PinkCaffiene
    PinkCaffiene Member Posts: 9

    Hehe~ 😝 love you too ❤️

    I kind of just match energy with energy. Toxic meets toxic, friendly meets friendly.

    I hope you've been having good matches lately and I hope you have a wonderful week dear friend!

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,180

    Apparently, I used a sweaty killer perk setup and was told I need to use a killer who requires actual skill very recently.

    Therefore, I apologise using the Executioner with the perks: Forced Penance, Deathbound, Hex: NOED and Monstrous Shrine.

    For the record, I never got to use NOED, since everyone died before the gens were done, and I never had the chance to use Monstrous Shrine.

    But I apologise for the intent, even though every setup I play is randomized. So, I apologise fpr randomizing.

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025
    edited November 2021

    Once, I 4 man slugged at 5 gens as Nurse within 1 minute of the game by accident. There was nothing they could have done about it

  • Underdawg
    Underdawg Member Posts: 193

    In SoloQ if my teammates leave me to second hook state on my first down, I suicide on hook. Even if they start making their way towards me. 😅

    I was playing with a casual 2-man SWF with a friend and I was having an unlucky string of matches where I was constantly found first and hooked (I was trying to do the unhook yourself 50 times trophy). I was caught in the first 20 seconds while hiding in a bush on Haddonfield. I spawned and within 10 seconds I heard the heartbeat. I got downed and put in the basement by a Blight, so I DC'd and stopped playing for the night.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,303

    I confess that these days, I enjoy browsing the forums more than taking part in the discussions or playing the actual game.

  • CryptFriend
    CryptFriend Member Posts: 416

    A Meg t-bagged me multiple times during a Huntress match, so I made her and her four friends wait for Meg to bleed out after I killed the rest.

    Just, perhaps. But no less a sin.

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    I give disturbing history facts to random people.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063

    I've intentionally started endgame collapses for the sake of a rift challenge, but told the other survivors that "oops, I didn't mean to hold on that long."

    I also once brought the killer over to a group of survivors on a gen so I could take 'protection' hits, also for the rift.

    Ave Archives.

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    Well I couldn’t protect you if you weren’t in danger!

  • MoonSprout
    MoonSprout Member Posts: 13
    edited November 2021

    Often times as survivor I WISH my teammates would leave me til the second hook and finish off some gens instead, especially when its my first hook and there's only one or two gens left, ESPECIALLY if the killer is clearly camping me. It's like, yeah, I'd love it if you came and rescued me, but it'd love it a whole lot more of if there was an open or 99-ed exit gate waiting for me when that happens!

    My confession is that I've been basement trapping even weak groups. side-hooking the survivors and putting one trap at the top of the stars and then one at the bottom just around the corner. And then usually at the window closest to the top of the stairs.

    I just loving watching them hit the window trap, then the top stair trap, then the bottom stair trap (leaving me time to reset the top of the stair and window trap) only to see at least one of them hit them both again on the way out letting me knock them down, hook them in the basement, and repeat the whole thing again. I know its cruel, but its so much fun watching them fail over and over again.

  • MoonSprout
    MoonSprout Member Posts: 13

    Sometimes I wish my teammates would leave me til second hook state and FIX SOME DAMNED GENS. Especially if there's like two gens and I'm on first hook and getting camped, I am going to beg the other survivors to finish the gens and 99% the gates before unhooking me, please, I don't want to instantly get downed and hooked again when we could have finished gens first!

    Here's my confession: I've been trapping the basement. I love putting one trap on top of the stairs, sidehooking the survivors and putting the other one just around the corner at the bottom, and then trapping one of the windows up near the top. I love watching the less skilled players hit every one on the way down, and then I don't even hit and hook up them - I use the time to reset the traps so I can watch them hit them again on the way out. Then I down a single person (usually the rescuer if I can, I'm not a tunneler) and put them back in the basement so I can do the whole thing over again. Maybe move a trap from a window to a door, or go get another one to add to the pile.

  • Underdawg
    Underdawg Member Posts: 193

    No, I completely understand if I'm being camped. Sometimes I wish they wouldn't do immediate unsafe unhooks (unless they're willing to commit to the hook trade or to take aggro).

    What I'm talking about is when I'm the first or second down, the killer is not camping, and they sit on gens on the completely opposite side of the map. Meaning when I do get unhooked, I get immediately tunneled out anyway and the game ends in a 4k 95% of the time.

  • Pizzasauce
    Pizzasauce Member Posts: 940

    THIS. I am like begging them, "Please, save yourself!" especially at the end of matches when they find it necessary to come rescue me for those last altruism points or not to feel like a dick I guess.

  • Pizzasauce
    Pizzasauce Member Posts: 940

    I once let my entire team die because I fell asleep. I got a rather aggressive message after that one.

  • TransverseCaster
    TransverseCaster Member Posts: 543

    That's the secret: Twins were explicitly designed for camping and tunneling.

    Grievous! The new people need to be tutored, not mocked. Recite any of Vigo's journals five times.

    How you handle a DC is up to you. Personally I turn it into a farming match, and I think that's the general consensus on the appropriate procedure. If you just want to get it over with that's your call.

  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513

    I mean, they're much more fun played as a tag team.

    if any killer's designed with camping in mind, it'd be hag.

    they both have powers that aren't great out of loop.

  • TransverseCaster
    TransverseCaster Member Posts: 543

    That's funny. But cruel! You must cease this kind of sinning at once. Countering ones own team is the worst form of treachery.

    Six can't even be construed as a sin, but keeping a book of grudges is... Unusual. If someone is getting seizures from flashlight clicks they really shouldn't be playing these kinds of games, or perhaps any games, anyways.

    I'm glad to hear it!

    Forgiven! Talk about a sleeper of a match.

  • Pizzasauce
    Pizzasauce Member Posts: 940

    I feel bad. Like, really bad. So, what happened was, I got totally outplayed by three survivors (the fourth disconnected). One of the survivors I was personally after because he shined a flashlight in my eyes making me drop another survivor, who I was personally after because she was supposed to be mine. The third survivor I was personally after because I could never catch him and instantly suspected speedhacking. Well, at the end of the game they open the gate and I catch flashlight man and hang up. I'm pretty upset at this point so I hit him a couple times and then hackster guy comes up to unhook him. Well, I grabbed him, noticed survivor three behind me, dropped him, whacked survivor three (who was already injured) and she drops. I then turn around, and whack successfully unhooked survivor one and he's on the ground. And then leave them. But the story doesn't end there....

    To make matters worse, I decide to go stand at the exit gate and wait for them to crawl their way there. Two eventually make it, and just as they're about to cross, I shake my head no, and carry them back and drop them again. I know i am going to hell, and I deserve it. This guilt, it pains me greatly.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,956

    i believe this community is more the 2nd most toxic community i have ever interacted with

  • TheDarkTyrant
    TheDarkTyrant Member Posts: 2,074

    Why did you do it?

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