Pentimento fixed right way

I didn't see that coming...
I am really happy that they make it work is it should from start.
Gen slow is first, Healing second.
It might be decent perk now, I am looking forward trying it.
They also nerfed it by not allowing you to rekindle infinitely, unlike a boon totem. Rip.
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That was never an option. I have tested first day on PTB and even blessing destroyed that totem forever.
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That would be beyond broken.
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I mean, it would be at least possible to get 5 tokens?
Let's be honest, you will never get more than 2
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Yeah but you could make sure that survivors have a 30% penalty to repair progress pretty much the entire match. That's by far the most impactful effect anyways. It would be ridiculous.
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Fun fact: you actually can’t bless a pentimento totem at all now. You just don’t even get the option - the only thing you can do is cleanse it.
Fun fact #2: If pentimento is cleansed and undying moves it, when the undying (now pentimento) totem is subsequently cleansed, that totem can be rekindled again because it technically wasn’t rekindled before, undying just forced the hex to transfer there.
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Do you know if you regain token for thrill of the hunt?
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Boon counters it a lot.
It's also 100% useless without other perks. You need to have whole build around it.
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Nope, thrill of the hunt is bugged. Rekindling a totem doesn't give you a token back, and if that rekindled totem is broken you lose an additional token, meaning you have less tokens than the number of totems actually left on the map. Once it gets to 0, it stops working completely, even if its hex totem is still on the map.
I tried this last night with one of my friends. I brought thrill and pentimento, and we went around the entire map and cleansed 4 of the totems (all of them except for thrill), and then I rekindled all of them. After the first rekindled totem was cleansed, thrill ran out of tokens and stopped slowing her down.
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Sure, Boons are somewhat of a counter against it. But it would be ridiculously strong against survivors without boons. Not to mention that solo survivors will have a harder time dealing with this perk than swf survivors.
I understand that you'd want other Hex perks with this perk, but if these conditions are met, this perk would still be beyond busted if you could just rekindle totems again and again. That's not how you balance a perk.
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That's annoying...
It sounds like a good combo, but not with this bug
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Wait, what?
I have never said it should be possible to do it more than once...
How it works is fine, if they fix bugs with it.
EDIT: oh, I see how it happened
Yeah, it would be broken.
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They get a 100% healing bonus pretty much the entire match. Whats the difference? They cleanse, we cleanse, the cycle of totems would remain largely the same.
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Yeah ok, if you weren't actually arguing that you should be able to rekindle totems an infinite amount of times, then some misunderstanding happened here. I thought you were talking about that, but I also didn't realise you weren't the person I first replied to, who seemed to suggest that totems should be rekindable an infite amount of times, like Boon totems.
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No, a general 30% repair speed decrease almost the entire match long would be too strong. It affects all survivors on the entire map, and not just a certain area. Not to mention that survivors have to find the totem first, and then cleanse the totem, which takes 14 seconds, while the killer needs like 1 second to rekindle the totem.
Not to mention the fact that I believe the majority of people agree that CoH is overpowered anyways. So I don't think one overpowered perk justifies another overpowered perk.